the Company and its shareholders as a whole, such transactions are only subject to the reporting, annual review and announcement requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules, and are exempt from the independent shareholders’ approval requirement pursuant to rule 14A.101 of the Listing Rules...
the Bank considers that it would be unduly onerous to require it to continue to monitor all transactions entered into with those promoters and their respective associates to ensure compliance with the connected transactions requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules, purely due to their statu...
The HKEx had previously issued theConsultation Paper on Proposed Amendments to Listing Rulesrelating to Share Schemes of Listed Issuers1in October 2021 on proposals to extend Chapter 17 of the Listing Rules to govern share award schemes, as Chapter 17 currently provides a framework that only...
* connected transactions pursuant to Chapter 14A of the revised Rules;* transactions that are subject to independent shareholders' approval;* spin-off proposals that are subject to shareholders' approval pursuant to paragraph 3 (e) of Practice Note 15 of the revised Rules; or* granting of ...
Chapter14Awaslastamendedon1July2014 Chapter14Acanbeviewedat: Introduction(Cont'd) 3 Generally,aconnectedtransactionisanytransactionbetweenalistedissueroranyofits subsidiariesandaconnectedperson Forclassificationpurposes,theExchange...
Key changes to the Listing Rules include: I. Share Schemes funded by issuance of new shares of listed issuers Extend Chapter 17 to govern all share schemes involving grants of share awards and grants of options to acquire new shares ...
Rule 14A.34 oftheListingRules, and therefore the Preliminary Tenancy Agreement and Annual Caps are exempted from independent shareholders’ approval requirements but subject to the reporting and announcement requirements under Chapter 14A oftheListingRules. ...
Rule 14A.34 oftheListingRules, and therefore the Preliminary Tenancy Agreement and Annual Caps are exempted from independent shareholders’ approval requirements but subject to the reporting and announcement requirements under Chapter 14A oftheListingRules. ...
Key changes to the Listing Rules include: I. Share Schemes funded by issuance of new shares of listed issuers Extend Chapter 17 to govern all share schemes involving grants of share awards and grants of options to acquire new shares of issuers; ...
Accordingly, the 2025-2027 IT Services Annual Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereunder constitute continuing connected transactions of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. As at the date of this announcement, the ultimate controlling shareholder of the Company holds approximatel...