这道题A为正确选项,因为'most sites'与'majority of sites'的意思相同。 IELTS Listening Distractors 在前面几篇文章中,大家了解了雅思听力干扰项的几种形式。 做多项选择题时,这几个选项都会出现在听力原文中,但只有一项是正确的。 点击这里查看往期文章。 听力第一部分常出现的干扰项还有其他形式: Speaker有时...
For high level listening, we have more information here, includingIELTS listening tips for band 9pdf resources. Remember that any IELTS listening tips and tricks for band 9 would be useful for all levels but specifically address more challenging skills in the IELTS exam. How to understand native...
You won't lose marks for incorrect answers, so even if you don't know the answer it is better to write something in the answers box. Read the question again and make a guess! Use theseIELTS Listening tips to improve your Listening skills! But don't forget aboutIELTS Listening practicetoo...
The IELTS Listening recording audio will last for 30 minutes. So these 30 minutes are for listening to the audio and writing your answers on the question paper. After which those attempting the test via paper-based will be given an extra 10 minutes to transfer their answers to the answer sh...
IELTS Exam Tips Listening Read the instructions and questions carefully before you listen. Try to get an idea of the situation. Who are the speakers? Where are they? Why are they speaking? Remember, you will only hear the audio once. You will need to read, write and listen all at the ...
There are some things you need to do before the exam, and some things you need to pay attention to on the exam. By following these tips, you can considerably improve your score and even get a band 9! You will find heretop 10 IELTS Listening tipsto get a desired score on IELTS Listen...
柯林斯是全球最大的英文书籍出版商之一,其出版的书籍质量非常之高。 小爱为大家分享 雅思听力原版书籍Listening for IELTS(Collins)资料,非常推荐大家多阅读和使用国外的备考资料的,英语母语教授写出来的内容肯…
Useful practice and tips for IELTS Listening Diagram Labelling Questions. IELTS listening diagrams can come in any section of the IELTS listening test. You will be presented with a visual diagram requiring you to either label parts of the diagram or complete notes in the diagram. It is important...
IELTS Video: Listening Tips Summary List of Tips Given Below Video. IELTS Listening Test Summary All students take the same test. Both academic and GT students take the same listening test. It is marked in the same way. All candidates take the same test whether writing their answer on paper...
These 25 IELTS Listening Tips provide you with essential strategies to help you get the score you need in the exam and show you how to improve IELTS listening. Some tips might differ slightly for the paper-based test and computer-based test as in the computer-based test you don't have ...