If there is anything that you are unsure of with IELTS listening that you are doing or you have any other questions about the listening, then go to the forum for an answer. IELTS Listening Test Forum Listening Test Overview The IELTS listening test is divided up intofour sections, with each...
of question fromIELTS Listening testand your level of difficulty. On real test, questions get increasingly difficult. Practising different types of IELTS Listening questions separately will help you to develop specific techniques for that kind of question, and therefore get a higher score on IELTS. ...
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Practise your English listening skills and learn about world history, current events and different cultures at the same time with our free online lessons. Browse hundreds of free teaching resources and self-study lessons for practising English listening
IELTS speaking tips, information, advice, model answers and topics to help you prepare successfully for your IELTS speaking test. This page contains everything you need to know and the essential skills for a high score in IELTS speaking. On this page you will find: IELTS SPEAKING TEST ...
About IELTS Listening Test This listening test comes in 4 sections with 40 questions. Section 1 & section 2 are based on social topics and section 3 & 4 are academic in nature. There are many different types of questions and you must prepare techniques for each type. The recording is playe...
This lesson provides you with useful language for IELTS writing task 1, focusing specifically on phrases for introducing graphs and phrases/lexis for describing change. Organisation Organizing a Line Graph (Part 1) Find out about how there is more than one was to organize a task 1 graph, and...
If you are preparing for the IELTS, you are not alone. A high score on this test is an essential step in being admitted to college programs in the UK, Canada, and Australia. Here we wrote several IELTS guides to help you with your IELTS preparation cover
Improve Listening Skills in English – An In-Depth and Practical Guide Returning to Teaching after a Long Break The Keyword Method of Learning Second Language Vocabulary The Whys and the Hows of Becoming an Independent Language Learner Achieving the ideal IELTS speaking test preparation routine – Wi...
Here are some recent videos I have made to help you get through the IELTS exam. These are intended for both IELTS speaking and IELTS listening. You cansubscribehere if you want weekly lessons for free. How to Structure IELTS Map Descriptions ...