Listen To Live ATC (Air Traffic Control) Below you will find lots of links to Radio Scanners with live streams on the web. You will need the Flash plugin for your browser. to play streams. Almost all of the streams are ...
There should be a radio and television set in every classroom, and a library of tapes and records in every school. The children of today will rarely open a book when they leave school. The children of tomorrow won’t need to read and Write at all. M. P. Miller London Lesson 5 ...
Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. Last Friday . 2. He was a sludenl. 3. In London . 4. By taxi. 5. The taxi ot stuck in a traffic j am and the train had left by the time he ol to the station . 6. 1 hour . 7. The station buffet. 8. An evenin ncw...
3. Id o love listening to the radio but T m afraid my radio isnt working. 4. Just look at these shoes. They cost forty-five do liars la st yea r and they have holes in them now . 5. Do you know anything a bo ut cars? My ca r isusing too much petrol. B. Monologue : ...
Charles said, I want you to fall off the horse. Jason was furious. He said, What? Fall off! Ive een practising for two weeks ... I could fall off the first day ... without any practice! Task 2: W hat Are Your A bitions? Interviewer: Good morning, sir. Im from radio station ...
toLaneEndSecondarySchool1966:wenttotheLondonSchoolofDrama1969:lefttheLondonSchoolofDrama1973:wenttoHollywood1974:wereinamoviewithMariaGivebriefanswerstothefollowingRadioStationFora(1)What’syourWhatdoyoudoforaWhatdoyoudoforWhat’sthemostexcitingthingthat’shappenedtoyouWhodoyouadmiremostinthisWhatdoyouwantto ...
1.zipintoanylittlespace/inbetweencars/saveafewseconds/squeezingpasteveryyear 2.winter/freezingrain/blackice/driftingsnow/potholes 3.rubbernecking/anaccident/everybodyslowdown/look/trafficslowtocrawl B:1.ThisWednesday 2.①thedriverofacar②allpassengersinthefrontseat③childrenbetweenfourandsixteen ④children...
There should be a radio and television set in every classroom, and a library of tapes and records in every school. The children of today will rarely open a book when they leave school. The children of tomorrow won’t need to read and Write at all. M. P. Miller London Lesson 5 ...
Peter: Yes, but airline pilots spend a lot of time away from home. Anne: They see a lot of interesting pla es. Peter: Yes, but they have a lot of responsibility. Anne: Well, they earn a good salary, dont they? Peter: Thats true. But they have to retire when they are quite ...
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