LiveATC.Net provides live air traffic control (ATC) broadcasts from air traffic control towers and radar facilities around the world
传送门 方法 进入网站选择相应的电台即可!右下角可以单独控制无线电和背景音乐的音量! 同类型网站,留着备用 LiveATC更专业的平台,可以搜索到你要听的空管电台!(网友moice3321提供)
Listen To Live ATC (Air Traffic Control) Below you will find lots of links to Radio Scanners with live streams on the web. You will need the Flash plugin for your browser. to play streams. Almost all of the streams are ...
"listen" 强调有意识地倾听并专注于所听到的内容;"hear" 强调感知到声音,但不一定专注于理解或记住所听到的;"sound" 强调声音本身,是指具体的声音或声音的质量。它们的区别主要在于释义、语法、用法和使用环境。注意它们在描述听觉体验时的不同侧重点。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存...
The radio operator connected him to Air Traffic Control. They told him to keep flying on automatic pilot towards Brisbane, and to wait for further instruction from an experienced pilot. An hour later, the lights of Brisbane appeared on the horizon. He could see the lights of the runway shini...
The radio operator connected him to Air Traffic Control. They told him to keep flying on automatic pilot towards Brisbane, and to wait for further instructions from an experienced pilot. An hour later the lights of Brisbane appeared on the horizon. e could see the lights of the runway ...
Hear和listen的区别 1、 用法不同 listen是个"不及物动词",也就是不能直接跟名词,中间必须加介词,比如"listen to music".hear 是个”及物动词“,正好与listen相反,后面可以直接跟名词,比如"hear sound"。2、 表达的意思不同 Listen表示仔细听,并尝试理解听到的东西,表示听的过程,listen to...
This app provides worlds most popular ATC (Air Traffic Controllers) and easy way to listen in on live conversations between pilots and air traffic controllers n…
In Shanghai, they set up tables in the open air to collect public opinions about the renovation of a decades-old plaza in 2023. They also engaged with neighborhood leaders and posted topics online. When streetlights were swiftly installed on the plaza at the request of elderly residents, "pe...
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