shall preparealist in alphabetical orderofall persons thus nominated, indicating the States parties [...] 秘书长应将 所有如此提名的人员依英文字母次序,编成名单,注明推荐此等人员的缔约国, 分送各缔约国。
There are 193 countries are official members of United Nations (UN). Find the below list of world countries and territories. A-Z List of Countries of the World Afghanistan Antigua and Barbuda Albania Argentina Akrotiri Aruba Algeria Armenia ...
**The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic is a partially-recognized state, recognized by the African Union and 47 United Nations member states, but also claimed by Morocco. Sources: UN Member States as of May 27th, 20241
List of World Countries and Capitals - Get here capitals of every country of the World in alphabetical order by Continent.
headings) in its concluding observations, and agreedonalist of titleswhich would be applied flexibly and as appropriate for the [...] 应回顾,委员会第四十一届会 议决定采取将题目(主题标题)列入结论意见的做法,并为有关缔约国商定了一份 可灵活和酌情应用的...
sub-Saharan Africa, the region in Africa that lies south of the Sahara desert. The term is often used to label the countries of that region and its environs, including island nations and countries that contain part of the desert within their borders. This immensely large area covers more tha...
Here is our alphabetical list of over 800+ sports played around the world. In addition to individual sports, the list includes some names of sport groups, styles and codes. There is undoubtedly more sports than are listed here, there are many regional sports, modified rules and new sports ...
alphabetical a. [字母的,按字母顺序] arranged in customary order of the letters of a language The books are listed in alphabetical order and are as follows. Show examples and contexts ambiguity n. [模棱两可] state of being ambiguous; doubtfulness or uncertainty This ambiguity is also ...
The following is an alphabetical list of Super Mario-related sightings and references in animated and anime television shows. For a list of references in live-action television, see List of references in live-action television.
Detailed list – in alphabetical order Africa 1. Tanja Hichert Location: Somerset West, South Africa Serving a wide range of clients in South Africa and across the world, Tanja Hichert and her consulting firm Hichert & Associates specialize in scenario planning and strategic risk management. Hichert...