List of Countries of Eurasia Alphabetically CountryCapitalPopulation (2021)[1]AreaCurrency A Afghanistan Kabul 40,099,462 652,230 sq km (251,827 sq mi) Afghani Albania Tirana 2,854,710 28,748 sq km (11,100 sq mi) Albanian lek Andorra Andorra la Vella 79,034 468 sq km (181 sq mi)...
List of Countries of Europe Alphabetically FlagCountryCapitalPopulation (2021)[1]AreaCurrency A AlbaniaTirana2,854,71028,748 sq km (11,100 sq mi)Albanian lek AndorraAndorra la Vella79,034468 sq km (181 sq mi)Euro ArmeniaYerevan2,790,97429,743 sq km (11,484 sq mi)Dram ...
Alphabetical List of All African Countries In this list of African countries, the autonomous region of Somaliland (located within Somalia) has not been included as it has not yet been recognized by any sovereign states. **The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic is a partially-recognized state, recog...
List of people whose names start with "Y" List of people whose names start with "Z" If you do wish to view the complete list (work in progress), you may do so here: List of people whose names start with "A-Z" Alphabetically[] E[] # Name Style name Homecommandery Birth Died Af...
Explore this curated list of dictatorship countries in the world today, including North Korea, Jordan, and more.
The Secretary-General has prepared the followinglist,in alphabetical order,ofall persons nominated by 9 March 2009, indicating the States [...] 秘 书长编制了下列名单,按字母顺序开列2009 年 3 月 9 日前提名的所有候选人,并列出提名的缔约国。
List of the most popular artists from Mexico, listed alphabetically with photos when available. For centuries artists have been among the world's most ...
Countries That Start With Letter D Countries starting with T in Africa Continent Tanzania is alphabetically the firstcountrythat isstarting with the letter “T”. It is in East Africa and is a member of the East African Community and the African Union. Tanzania has the highest peak inAfricaand...
North Africa refers strictly to the northernmost part of the continent Africa and includes (alphabetically) Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and Western Sahara, as defined by the United Nations. Since MENA refers to Middle East North Africa, all of these countries are sometimes in...
List of Countries of Africa List of Dependent Territories and Other States of Africa Alphabetically FlagState/TerritoryCapitalPopulation (2021)[1]AreaCurrency Canary Islands Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 2,172,944 7,493 sq km (2,893 sq mi) Euro Madeira Funchal 250,769 ...