We made the drop-down list in theD5cell, that’s why the target address isD5. We have rechecked whether the cell is using data validation usingTarget.SpecialCells. Once a value is selected, we turned off events (Application.EnableEvents = False) so changes don’t trigger the event again....
DBT - ETL tool for running transformations inside data warehouses. Flyte - Lyft’s Cloud Native Machine Learning and Data Processing Platform - (Demo). Genie - Job orchestration engine to interface and trigger the execution of jobs from Hadoop-based systems. Gokart - Wrapper of the data pipelin...
We do this because NOW, which returns the current time,triggers a recalculationof the defined name. The T function returns blank when the value returned isn’t text. In other words, T hides the time returned by NOW. The only reason we’re appending the NOW function is because it’s a ...
Sundial - Lightweight framework to simply define jobs, define triggers and start the scheduler. Wisp - Simple library with minimal footprint and straightforward API. db-scheduler - Persistent and cluster-friendly scheduler. easy-batch - Set up batch jobs with simple processing pipelines. Records ar...
Create multiple local user accounts with text file and disable them after a period of time time with powershell script. Create New Excel Worksheets Create object reference by specifying PID Create Outlook email draft (with HTML formatting) using PowerShell Create powershell object using dynamic prope...
Close worksheets 0x30C8 Invalid configuration This condition can be the result of a version conflict or an invalid project file. Use the latest versions. Format the SLC memory key, re-compile the project in 'Machine Expert - Safety' and re-download the application to the SLC...
Drop-down lists in an Excel sheet can greatly facilitate data entry. Here's a look at how to use Microsoft Excel's data validation feature to create handy lists within your worksheets.
Write down all of the valuesthat you have come up with so far. (You can alsotake these free core values quizzesoranswer these core values worksheetsto help you get started.) Step 2: Consolidate. Identify themes from the large list of values that you just created and create some groups....
ActiveSheet.Range("A:A").Clear 'clear existing list For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets With ActiveSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp) .Offset(1).Value = ws.Name ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Offset(1), Address:="", SubAddress:= _ ...
The topic of my post is how to change the user interface of the worklist. There are just a few steps to follow and I promise that you won't regret a closer look on the pictures. :wink: Let's get started! The first screenshot below shows the worklist view of the standard. Especial...