1.5 hours of phone consultations. 14 days of email interaction with an editor Learn more > Duke University This University is recognized for athletics. Duke is located in Durham, North Carolina. Top majors are computer science, economics, and public policy. Duke has 11 institutes and centers ...
As a high school student applying for college, you may be concerned about the cost of attending college, the reputation of its programs, the quality of student life, the campus environment, and extracurricular activities. It is because of this that you choose colleges to apply to. Let this a...
While the increased prevalence of test-optional policies started with the pandemic, many institutions, including some of the most selective colleges, have extended or even made these policies permanent. However, a range of prominent public universities and tech schools, particularly in the South, ...
The United States is now a global superpower, with a strong economy and a powerful military. The country is also a leader in science, technology, and culture. The United States of America (USA) is in fact a federal state, which has 50 states, a federal district (Washington, D.C.), ...
Sorry, science geeks: Denmark’s Law on Personal Names still doesn’t permit the name “Pluto.” The law holds, even after 2006 when Pluto was demoted to “dwarf planet” status. Sarah: Morocco Canva Sarah: Morocco - Name meaning: Pure, happy; princess. ...
Learn more about the Ivy League schools, which universities are included, where they are located and how to apply for Ivy League colleges. The member institutions are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, Princet...
Welcome to HBCUConnect.com, the largest website online for information and resources related to the country's 105 Historically Black Colleges and Universities! Here you will find a sortable list of all of the HBCUs in the country. Please Sign Up to receive scholarship, internship, and job ...
Look through our list of colleges to find sorority/fraternity and greek life rankings at each one. As a greek life resource, it's our goal to give students real insight into the different sororities and fraternities on each campus. Click on the school you want more information about, or sim...
University of North Carolina Humanities Beginner 5-12 Weeks 1-4 Hours/Week 41.00 EUR English Spanish Russian Portuguese French English 离散数学概论 Discrete Mathematics Generality (Coursera) 本课程面向非计算机软件专业本科生及相关IT行业从业人士,介绍计算机科学和信息技术理论基础的概念和思想方法...
While the increased prevalence of test-optional policies started with the pandemic, many institutions, including some of the most selective colleges, have extended or even made these policies permanent. However, a range of prominent public universities and tech schools, particularly in the South, ...