Handshake partners with over 1,400 universities and colleges across the U.S. and the U.K. to connect students with job opportunities. Whether you are a recent college graduate or a mid-career professional, there are strategies you can use to make a real and meaningful career change to ...
The Costs and Benefits of North Carolina’s Early College High School Model High schools, Higher education, Returns to education and skills Early colleges are high schools that blend the high school and college experiences. See more from Pathways to and Through PostsecondaryRelated...
Majoring in Native American studies may also look different attribal colleges and universities,or TCUs, versus another type of higher education institution. Most TCUs are located on or near reservation land and typically serve students in those communities, although non-Native students c...
-Ashley Lillich, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill “My words of advice: Be persistent but be realistic. Some English-related fields, such as publishing, can be difficult to break into, but don’t let a few internship rejections kill your passion. Secondly, work on building a portfoli...
Colleges with a Spanish Language and Literature MajorSpanish Language and Literature provides students with a full understanding of the Spanish language, history, and culture through classes in grammar, language, and literature. If you’re interested in studying Spanish Language and Literature, here’s...
Economics is one of the majors in thesocial sciencesprogram atDuke University. Here, you'll find out more about the major, including such details as the number of graduates, what degree levels are offered, ethnicity of students, average salaries, and more. In addition, we cover how Duke ran...
The need for major changes in the way schools teach students; How students are taught to relate to educators; Assertion that Indonesia has no tradition of research or of thinking for oneself; Collaboration between the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Indonesian education officials in...
A major in international relations can open many doors in many fields. Businesses, governments, and the non-profit sector are united in their need for leaders who understand the complexities of human political interactions on a global level. If an analytical career for globalized stargazers is what...
Baking and pastry arts bachelor's degree programs are most commonly available at culinary arts schools, as well as some 4-year colleges and universities. Courses in baking and pastry arts prepare students for careers as pastry chefs and bakery managers. Coursework covers baking and pastry techniques...
This is in contrast to areas with large numbers of colleges or universities, which typically have more women, according to a Census Bureaureport from May. Adding to the imbalance are the effects of historic racism in the U.S., including high rates of incarceration ...