See, there are two types of delete... 1. Deletion flag. 2. Archive. 1. Deletion flag means PO will be still there in your system, but you can't do any further process against this PO. 2. Archive means the POs will totally removed from your SAP system.. You can't able to see ...
SAP MM采购报表中缺省的Scope of List 执行事务代码ME2L, 进入如下界面: 执行事务代码ME2M, 进入如下界面: 执行事务代码ME2K, 进入如下界面: 执行事务代码ME2N, 进入如下界面: 这几个报表里缺省的Scope of List都是BEST。SAP系统如何做到的? 经查,是如下的配置实现的: IMG -> Material Management -> Purchasin...
1, 执行事务代码WA03,输入分配表4,回车进入如下界面, 选中item,点击菜单 Allocate table ->Create follow-on documents -> Vendor Purchase Order, 试图以此分配表为基础去触发采购订单,失败!系统报错: 报错:No work item could be selected. 如何解决? 2, 解决方案: WA02修改这个分配表的item数据, 对于物料在...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, SD (Sales and Distribution) Business Application programming interfaces are standard methods to access business objects which form the core of all SAP R/3 business frameworks. BAPIs are to be used to create an interface and integrate R/3 software components with ...
黄色标记的Source List Item Data ,在ME57分配供应源的时候看不到。为啥? ME13去看PIR,供应商1000102,采购组织LYSP, 工厂LYSW, 回车, 采购信息记录不全的,所以它虽然出现在Source List里,但是并不是一个有效的source of supply。 2019-11-20 写于苏州市。
Go to T.Code SE16 in your own SAP system. The full list of transaction codes is maintained in the tables TSTC and TSTCT. Complete list of the SAP transactions sorted by transaction code. , Complete List of all SAP Transaction Codes , ABAP Transact
SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) Hi, I have a list of POs for which would like to know the list of all changes on each line items & no of times changes made & each time before & after change. In table CDHDR given input in the Object Name : EINKBELEG Object Value: ...
SAP RETAIL WA03 基于分配表创建PO报错 - No work list could be selected –1, 执行事务代码WA03,输入分配表4,回车进入如下界面,选中item,点击菜单 Allocate table ->Create follow-on documents -> Vendor Purchase Order,试图以此分配表为基础去触发采购订单,失败!系统报错:报错:No work item could be...
在START-OF-SELECTION事件处理块中,用WRITE语句向列表缓冲区(List Buffer)输出要显示的内容,当该事件结束的时候,所有在列表缓冲区中的内容将被显示到一个基本列表屏幕(Basic List)上。当用户在基础列表屏幕上双击一行或按功能键“F2”时,将会触发ABAP事件AT LINE-SELECTION,如果还想进一步显示该行数据的详细信息,则...