The movie also showcases notable performances by Anthony Hopkins, portraying former President John Quincy Adams, and Matthew McConaughey as the idealistic lawyer Roger Sherman Baldwin. Garnering multiple award nominations, Amistad weaves together threads of law, freedom, and humanity in an unforgettable...
Case Closed is an ongoing anime series that started in 1996. So far 1152 episodes of Case Closed have been aired. With a total of 530 reported filler episodes, Case Closed has a high filler percentage of 46%. While investigating the Black Organization, a detective named Shinichi Kudo is cap...
In 2016, he was charged with the 1977 murder of a woman identified in one of his photos. He is known to have assaulted one other photographic subject, and police have speculated that others could be rape or murder victims as well.He is sometimes called the "Dating Game Killer" because ...
2.novel- a printed and bound book that is an extended work of fiction; "his bookcases were filled with nothing but novels"; "he burned all the novels" book,volume- physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together; "he used a large book as a doorstop" ...
Nazi Germany’s persecution and murder of Jews—Jackson stated that “5,700,000 Jews are missing from the countries in which they formerly lived,” and that “History does not record a crime ever perpetrated against so many victims or one ever carried out with such calculated cruelty.” ...
She was getting ready to walk down the aisle, not just to any man but the richest man in the whole of the world. Yet, in the center of it all, her police work is far from giving her respite with various forms of murder cases pilling up....
Wed, Nov 23, 2022 A senseless double murder lands a California man on death row; despite the harsh sentence, a broken system surrounding the death penalty leaves everyone feeling that justice hasn't been served. Unknown Contribute to this page ...
The FBI’s numbers track a handful of violent crimes: Murder (including non-negligent manslaughter), rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. The “uniform” part of the statistics breaks them all down by incidents per 100,000—so a murder rate of 3 (which Lubbock has) means that the city...
This article is the master list of Bara, Shounen-ai and Yaoi manga, of which the format generally consists of black and white images used to relay story events. Speech bubbles with text that is read right to left is also a feature. Manga has decisively h
Plot: At first, it wasn’t clear why the Master Detective was called in to investigate a simple, small-town murder case… until the investigation reveals a string of strange references and familiar names from the agency’s past! What secrets lie behind the murder, and who, or what is so...