In each of the following cases, one or more fields offorensicsplayed a key role in identifying and convicting the killer. Consequently, their proven value led to further research, better techniques, and more advanced tools. They reached the pinnacle of forensic science, which has become an essen...
a wealthy man hires him to convince his prodigal son to return home from Italy. But Tom's introduction to Dickie Greenleaf's comfortable and leisurely life abroad turns out to be "the first step into a complex life of deceit, fraud and murder". ...
However, the translation is often misinterpreted, causing many to think that murder cannot be proven in the absence of a corpse. As a result, many criminals believe that they cannot be charged with murder if the body is never found. Although ‘no body’ murder trials are more difficul...
Grayson was fired after the shooting and charged with first-degree murder. Prosecutors said he "aggressively yelled" at Massey to put a pot down during a confrontation inside her home, and then she put her hands in the air, declared "I'm sorry," and ducked for cover before Grayson shot ...
Ordinarily, many of the fired civil servants would be able to appeal their cases to some of the watchdog offices that protect the rights of workers. But most of those officials have been fired, too: the director of the Office of Government Ethics, the head of the Office of Special Counsel...
Casey Anthony , the Florida mother controversially acquitted of killing her only child in one of the states most notorious murder cases more than a decade ago, has launched a new career as a legal advocate.Anthony, who failed to report the disappearance of her two-year-old daughter Caylee ...
IMDb全称:Internet Movie Database(互联网电影数据库),是一个关于电影、电影演员、电视节目、电视明星、电子游戏和电影制作小组的在线数据库。它是目前全球互联网中最大的一个电影资料库,里面包括了几乎所有的电影,以及1982年以后的电视剧集。 IMDb的资料中包括了影片的众多信息,演员,片长,内容介绍,分级,评论等。对...
After clerking for Scalia, Sassoon was a litigation lawyer and an adjunct law professor at New York University before being hired in 2016 as an assistant U.S. attorney in the Southern District of New York. She focused on murder and racketeering cases as part of the Violent and Organized ...
佐治亚州调查局上周宣布,来自佐治亚州洛恩斯县的23岁男子西恩·克莱顿(Tsion Clayton)和21岁女子金蒙·格林(Kimone Green)因涉嫌于2023年10月29日导致布里安娜·朗(Brianna Long)死亡而被控以恶意杀人罪。在乔治亚州雷默顿市的The Pier酒吧,21岁的Long和其他员工正在关掉酒吧并停止为顾客服务时,发生了一起枪击...
Indeed, with Putin and Xi topping this year’s report and the Iranian government sliding into the top 5, the extent to which global power (and risks) have become concentrated, and in some cases isolated, is a common theme in this year’s assessment. Here are the 10 greatest risks in 20...