They are almost always looking for the right answers. This is where this guide comes in. We’re going to cover some of the most common job interview questions and answers, and turn you into a bona fide interview expert by the time you get to the end. This guide is going to include:...
No employer will take your word for it. There are a number of ways in which your analytical skills can be tested: Pre-employment tests These could be taken online or at the company location. Depending on the company and the position you’re applying for these could consist of numeracy que...
If I were to ask your present (most recent) employer about your ability as a___, what would he/she say? EDUCATION What special aspects of your education or training have prepared you for this job? What courses in school have been of most help in doing your job? CAREER- GOALS What is...
As any employer can tell you, hiring is one of the toughest parts of running any successful company. Through our comprehensive, seven-step interview process, we identify employees who will perform at a high level for your company, and even more importantly, will be a great cultural fit. A-...
Google Jobs –Aggregates from multiple boards and employer sites with sensitivity to location, job type, and more. Find out how to use it here. JS Remotely - All remote JavaScript jobs on one board - Job board and aggregator for remote jobs, primarily tech. Remote 4 Me - An ...
This is not a checklist, this is not a shopping list. If you send this entire list to an employer, they probably won't be calling you back.This list is intended to serve as a reference point for things to be aware of during your interview process.Not all of these questions will be ...
A hiring manager may ask for references after you complete an interview to support the information you shared in the meeting. The references you provide can help an employer assess how suitable you are for the job. Having a list of suitable references ready is an important part of preparing ...
While it might make you look good to name a few relevant groups in the interview, the employer can easily fact-check your claims afterward. You should also refrain from mentioning any places where you left on bad terms or had your membership revoked....
Gratuity is a lump sum payment made by employer to the employee based on the duration of his total service when the employee leaves the job . The reason for leaving the job can be either by resignation, death, retirement or termination, etc. The amount you get as gratuity depends on the...
If you could only live in one place for the rest of your life, where would it be? Sometimes, all you need is a general icebreaker question to breakthrough. Try one of these or a variation. Funny Icebreaker Questions There are times when a little bit of humor goes a long way in break...