Formerly a recurring villain in the early arcs of Fairy Tail, Ultear redeemed herself by saving everyone at the Grand Magic Games from certain death during the dragon attacks orchestrated by Future Rogue. She used the forbidden “Last Ages” spell, which reversed time by one minute at the cost...
Simply put, Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic is a ridiculously fun series that starts as a relatively straightforward adventure anime before tackling themes of war and corruption. Followed up by the superior Magi: The Kingdom of Magic, this franchise's success hinges on its world-building and a g...
though it does have a much bigger price tag attached. However, if it really can run all your Steam games, that extra upfront cost could be worth it to take your library of hundreds
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She is a former S-Class Mage of Fairy Tail and is famous for her usage of Requip Magic. Erza is a strong and cool girl with long scarlet hair and brown eyes. She is a very powerful woman who is very strict, and she is not afraid of speaking her mind. 4. Motoko Kusanagi from ...
Following in the well-worn combat boots of series like Naruto and Fairy Tail, Black Clover presents us with childhood friends/rivals Asta and Yuno. Yuno is a naturally gifted magician, while Asta has no magical powers but incredible physical strength. They compete with one another to become the...
Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book ATRI — My Dear Moments Automobilista 2 Axiom Verge Azure Striker Gunvolt Baba Is You Bad Dream: Coma Bad End Theater Badland: Game of the Year Edition Baldi’s Basics Plus Bang-On Balls:...