Fairy Tail Arcs in Order Well, this is the arc sequence of Fairy Tail according to the storyline: arcManga ChaptersAnime Episodes Macao1-31-2 Daybreak4-93-4 Eisenwald10-235-10 Sub-Zero Emperor Lyon24-4611-20 Phantom Lord47-6921-29 ...
Sign in to edit Alvarez arc Arc Info Manga Chapters 438 - 545 Episodes 285 - 328 Arc Guide ← PreviousAvatar arc Next→ Water Dragon God arc List of Story Arcs The Alvarez arc (アルバレス編 Arubaresu-hen) is the seventeenth and final story arc of the Fairy Tail series. With ...
The Tartaros arc (冥府の門(タルタロス)編 Tarutarosu-hen) is the fifteenth story arc of the Fairy Tail series. The Dark Guild known as Tartaros makes their move on the Magical World. Beginning with an attack on the Magic Council Headquarters, the Nine Dem
The Tower of Heaven arc is often praised as one ofFairy Tail'sbest arcs, but Mashima originally had some very different plans for it. Originally, her brutal past as a slave in the tower was intended to be her present, while the events ofFairy Tailwere meant to be a ...
The orb appears to be incredibly dense, and likely holds a tremendous amount of gravity in order to crush the opponent. Its nature is comparable to a black hole, due to its incredible pull on the surrounding materials, people, and light.[1] Trivia Altair is the twelfth brightest star ...
Formerly a recurring villain in the early arcs of Fairy Tail, Ultear redeemed herself by saving everyone at the Grand Magic Games from certain death during the dragon attacks orchestrated by Future Rogue. She used the forbidden “Last Ages” spell, which reversed time by one minute at the cost...
If this doesn't help, please provide your old account ID, creation time, diamonds, wizard level, two order screenshots and a new account ID. And contact us in game with the new account. more Amitolaaa1801 , 29/03/2024 Mega nice Als langjähriger Fairy Tail-Fan finde ich dieses...
In Fairy Tail the game, players will be able to experience the world of Fairy Tail in ways you couldn’t imagine...or maybe you have!? Fairy Tail the game is a wonderful take on the franchise and is covering 3 arcs from the series: Tenrou Island arc, the Grand Magic Games arc, and...
The Tower of Heaven arc is often praised as one ofFairy Tail'sbest arcs, but Mashima originally had some very different plans for it. Originally, her brutal past as a slave in the tower was intended to be her present, while the events ofFairy Tailwere meant to be a ...