The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has added seven new substances to the REACH SVHC Candidate List, which now contains a total of 242 entries as of November 2024.
From international legal frameworks to specific national laws, the resources cover a broad spectrum of topics such as fairness, privacy, ethics, and governance.AustraliaDepartment of Industry, Science and Resources, AI Governance: Leadership insights and the Voluntary AI Safety Standard in practice ...
companies will deliver innovative solutions that empower those financing, insuring or vetting vessel and a wide universe of companies that supply services in the maritime ecosystem to understand how the vessels they engage perform, making more informed decisions and reducing the potential environmental ...
Yes, after 12th, you can apply for LLB (Bachelor of Laws) course through: CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) - No offline fees: Apply online through the CLAT website. - Centralized exam: Single exam for admission to multiple law colleges. Other Entrance Exams - LSAT India: Law Scho...
This holiday season, industry organizations, think tanks and states have compiled a lengthy wish list of environment and energy policies for Presidentelect Donald Trump, ranging from rolling back climate regulations to overhauling the nation's bedrock environmental laws.Patrick Ambrosio...
Books: Themes on Conflict of Laws and Legal Pluralism Author: Asein, J.O. Books: Introduction to Nigerian Legal System and Learning the Law: A Beginner’s Guide to Legal Studies in Nigeria Author: Obilade, A. O. Book: The Nigerian Legal System ...
(EC) No 842/2006 2005/84/EC corresponds to Directive 2005/84/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2005 amending for the 22nd time Council Directive 76/769/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member State...
At the end of this course series, you will have a basic understanding of how to: • Navigate EU legal sources • Understand relevant laws and regulations governing the internal European Union market • Apply the fundamental principles of EU law within the EU legal framework ...
A curated list of awesome academic research, books, code of ethics, data sets, institutes, maturity models, newsletters, principles, podcasts, reports, tools, regulations and standards related to Responsible, Trustworthy, and Human-Centered AI. - AthenaC