The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has added seven new substances to the REACH SVHC Candidate List, which now contains a total of 242 entries as of November 2024.
A curated list of awesome responsible machine learning resources. - jphall663/awesome-machine-learning-interpretability
Environmental Product Declaration Information about the ecological footprint of a product EPos Basic positioner EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory ERP Enterprise Resource Planning Planning the use of business resources ES Engineering System ESD Electrostatic Sensitive Devices Electro...
Environmental Product Declaration Information about the ecological footprint of a product EPos Basic positioner EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory ERP Enterprise Resource Planning Planning the use of business resources ES Engineering System ESD Electrostatic Sensitive Devices Electro...
Hazelwood, Sustainable AI: Environmental implications, challenges and opportunities in Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Machine Learning and Systems (MLSys) (2022) vol. 4, pp. 795–813. Article Collections Google Research on Responsible AI:
of oil. Spectacular oil spills fromwreckedor damaged supertankers are now rare because of stringent shipping and environmental regulations. Nevertheless, thousands of minor and several major oil spills related to well discharges and tanker operations are reported each year, with the total quantity of ...
The Academic Word List (AWL), developed by Averil Coxhead at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, contains 570 word families which frequently appear in academic texts, but which are not contained in the General Service List (GSL). When compiling the list, the author found that the ...
The State Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) will also control construction projects that could worsen air pollution in the worst-offending cities. "The list will be announced regularly to warn cities of deteriorating air quality," the Xinhua News Agency quoted Zhang Lijun, SEPA's deputy ...
【例】 skirted the construction zone 绕开建筑工地‖The new bill would make it harder for companies toskirt environmental regulations. 新的规定会增加公司逃脱环境监管的难度。【近】 bypass, circumvent, detour, shortcut, sidestep【反】 pursue, seek 追寻slack 【考法 1】 adj. 松弛的: not tightly ...