DANGERS IN OUR FOOD; the Definitive List of Contaminated Products You May Have Which Could Cause Cancer
GALLERY: Pesticide alert: 12 most contaminated fruits and veggies The group uses six different measures of contamination to come up with a score for each type of produce. The factors considered include the percentage of samples with two or more pesticides, and the number of total pesticides found...
"It is startling to see how heavily strawberries are contaminated with residues of hazardous pesticides, but even more shocking is that these residues don't violate the weak U.S. laws and regulations on pesticides in food," Sonya Lunder, EWG Senior Analyst, said in a statement. "The EPA's...
The Alliance for Food and Farming (AFF), strong opponents of EWG's annual list, says it shows a negative impact onfruitand vegetable consumption. "Last year, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) faced significant criticism from the nutrition community for inaccurately escalating and perpetuating co...
There are two major types of pet food recalls: voluntary recalls, which are issued by the company, and ordered recalls, which come directly from the FDA. Most recalls are voluntary—your pet food company doesn’t want to sell you contaminated food—but some are enforced by the government. ...
Yes, oats are inherently gluten-free but can become contaminated during growing and processing. Oat products may contain traces of wheat, barley or rye unless they are specially handled and labeled gluten-free. Do not assume plain oats or oat products are uncontaminated. ...
Apples are at the top of the list of produce most contaminated with pesticides in a report published today by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a public health advocacy group. Its seventh annual report analyzed government data on 53 fruits and vegetables, (62) which have the most and le...
A list of the most infamous edible incidents on Seinfeld, a TV show that loves food. The series about nothing is largely about food, from the Soup Nazi to ...
This summer there has been a drumbeat of food-related illnesses. Strawberries containing E. coli (大肠杆菌) killed one person in Oregon and sickened at least nine others. Imported papayas (木瓜) contaminated with salmonella (沙门氏菌) poisoned more than 200 people nationwide, with one dead. ...
Nectarines, apples, bell and hot peppers, cherries, blueberries and green beans rounded out the list of the 12 most contaminated samples of produce. It's dubbed the "Dirty Dozen" by the Environmental Working Group.