任意门-Counselling StudiesMSc(PS有特殊要求) 任意门-Psychology of Mental Health (Conversion)MSc 任意门-Africa and International DevelopmentMSc 任意门-Global Health PolicyMSc 任意门-International and European PoliticsMSc 任意门-Management of Bioeconomy, Innovation and GovernanceMSc 任意门-Medical Anthropology...
Biblical Studies MTh, MSc Biochemistry MSc, PgDip Biodiversity and Taxonomy of Plants MSc, PgDip Bioinformatics MSc, PgDip Biotechnology MSc, PgDip Carbon Management MSc Classical Art and Archaeology MSc Classics MSc Comparative and European Private Law LLM Comparative Education and International Developm...
MSc Psychology of Mental Health (Conversion) MSc Psychological Therapies MSc Planetary Health Master of Counselling Master of Counselling (Interpersonal Dialogue) MSc Counselling Studies MSc Advanced Nursing MSc Nursing with Pre-Registration (Adult) 历史、经典与考古学院: American History MSc Ancient History...
Biblical Languages Bible Studies Religious Education Religious Music Ministry & Church Administration Public Affairs & Law Religious affiliation Social Sciences Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement Public Affairs/Administration Social Work & Social ServicesPre-Law Legal Assisting Catholic Affiliation Protestant ...
Rudolf Karl Bultmann (German: [ˈbʊltman]; 20 August 1884 – 30 July 1976) was a German Lutheran theologian and professor of the New Testament at the University of Marburg. He was one of the major figures of early-20th-century biblical studies. A prominent critic of liberal theology...
(1887), "On Modern Drama and the Modern Theatre" (1889), and a preface to Miss Julie, the last of which is probably the best-known statement of the principles of the theatrical movement.During the 1890s he spent significant time abroad engaged in scientific experiments and studies of...
1466945262 KEEGAN, JOHN The face of battle A study of Agincourt, Waterloo and the Somme EUR 5.001395801796 ASHTON ELIZABETH LES EAUX TROUBLES DU NIL - MOONLIGHT ON THE NIL EUR 7.001482668582 LUDLUM, ROBERT The Bourne Ultimatum (JASON BOURNE). GBP 3.00...
Biblical Commentary Biblical Literature Biblical Paraphrase Biji Billet Doux Bio Bibliographical Dictionary Biographical Dictionary Biography Bisexual Literature Bit Lit Bizarro Fiction Black Lesbian Literature In The United States Blank Book Blason Blog Fiction Blâme Body Horror Literature Boerde Bojky Bolian...
Biblical Commentary Biblical Literature Biblical Paraphrase Biji Billet Doux Bio Bibliographical Dictionary Biographical Dictionary Biography Bisexual Literature Bit Lit Bizarro Fiction Black Lesbian Literature In The United States Blank Book Blason Blog Fiction Blâme Body Horror Literature Boerde Bojky Bolian...
The ___18___was quoting Biblical passage about husbands and their wives. Then he went on to say, “Love is a(an) ___19___ of will(意志). A person can choose to love.” To myself, I had to ___20___ that I had been a selfish husband. Well, for two weeks that would__...