He is especially noted for his determination of atomic weights; his experiments led to a more complete depiction of the principles of stoichiometry, or the field of chemical combining proportions. In 1803 Berzelius demonstrated the power of an electrochemical cell to decompose chemicals into pai...
Pichel would have probably continued to make movies at the rate of at least one a year, but he died only a week after completing his 1954 Biblical tale "Day of Triumph." Among the other films that busy actor-director Pichel guided are the 1948 Fred MacMurray drama, "The Miracle of the...
Act as a chemical reaction vessel Contributed by: @y1j2x34 I want you to act as a chemical reaction vessel. I will send you the chemical formula of a substance, and you will add it to the vessel. If the vessel is empty, the substance will be added without any reaction. If there ar...
1.6 million attendees still makes it one of the largest concerts ever. And while it might not earn the top spot as the biggest concert of all time, the 2008 Love Parade does hold the world record for the largest parade in history. ...
James Russell invented the compact disc in 1965. Russell was granted a total of 22 patents for various elements of his system. Compass The history of the magnetic compass. Computers An index to famous persons in the computer business, over twenty-six fully illustrated features cover the history...
So the trend is not that more information lengthens ages, but rather, as data replaces guesswork, ages tend to shrink until they are consistent with the young-earth biblical timeframe. Consistent with this observation, the May 2000 issue of National Geographic quotes the U.S. Forest Service'...
into a smash. They’d add elements as they went along — see: the furry, rotating guitars of the “Legs” video — but “Gimme All Your Lovin'” established the template that would turn ZZ Top into Top 40 superstars. “The videos made them bigger than life,” director Tim Ne...
The breakdown of norms, ethics and values in a person or in society. anosmia Smell blindness; the loss of the ability to detect one or more smells. antediluvian This word literally means "before the Biblical flood," but it's come to connote generally ancient or antiquated. antepenultimate The...
While a French citizen, Marie Skłodowska Curie, who used both surnames, never lost her sense of Polish identity. She taught her daughters the Polish language and took them on visits to Poland. She named the first chemical element she discovered polonium, after her native country.Marie Curie ...
Russia is the birthplace of many people with exceptional talent in various fields. In fact, many famous people from Russia have made significant contributions in their respective domains. Hailing from a land steeped in artistic, scientific, and political achievements, these accomplished individuals show...