Of course, make sure you aren’t actually using any of these files anywhere on your site before using this code. IP Addresses Last but not least, here’s the latest batch of nefariousIPaddresses. There’s no reason to block random botnetIPs, so only the most rogue static addresses make ...
This list of implied characters is a list of characters that have not physically appeared in any form of media up to this point in time. Regardless of their lack of appearance, the implied characters have been mentioned at least once throughout the...
King Arthur and the Queen of Hearts Kiwi’s Gift L La Mariposa Script and Activities Lab Report Lady Scottish Play Learn German with Ollendorff! Leaving the Cave Lewis Carroll Poems LGBT Sketch Light Cue Sheet Like Father, Like Son Lines in a Pocket Literacy Activities Little Bigfoot Little...
1.(alsoDeutsche Mark, ~Deutschmark(ˈdoitʃmaːk)) the standard unit of German currency before the euro.marco 2.a point given as a reward for good worketc.She got good marks in the exam.marco 3.a stain.That spilt coffee has left a mark on the carpet.marca ...
Be sure to opt-out of sending anonymous usage statistics.PrivacyPrism Break Opt out of global data surveillance programs like PRISM, XKeyscore, and Tempora. /r/privacy The intersection of technology, privacy, and freedom in a digital world. Any Soft Keyboard A privacy-focused keyboard...
I love a good Cold War escape story, so naturally Iwas drawn to“The Great Balloon Escape”, which describes in frightening detail how two East German families made a crazy plan to make their own hot-air balloon and fly to freedom. ...
Lists of 6 letter words. Handy for Scrabble, Words With Friends, and other word games.22,779 words: aahing aaliis aarrgh aartis abacas abacus abakas abamps abands abased abaser abases abasia abasic abated abater abates abatic abatis abator abattu abayas
He started the war with the intention to create the German Empire that would dominate Europe. He was responsible for the Holocaust, a genocide in which about six million European Jews and other groups of people were murdered in the belief of eugenics. ...
Over the past couple of years I've accumulated bookmarks, saved Reddit posts, and GitHub stars all related to piracy in some form or another. This list is my attempt to add structure to those resources and share them. Everything you need to get started on your pirate voyage can be found...
Brazilian Weather - Historical data (In Portuguese) - Data related to [...] Canadian Meteorological Centre Climate Data from UEA (updated monthly) Dutch Weather - The KNMI Data Center (KDC) portal provides access to KNMI [...] European Climate Assessment & Dataset German Climate Data Center ...