Here we have listed several dictionary list with German words & their meanings translated in English. English-German lexicon. 2,489,369 bytes Freeware data from English-German lexicon. 396,151 bytes German-English lexicon. 385,758 bytes Freeware data from Ergane. English-Bavarian ...
The words Rose and Rosetten are slang words for the anus, so Rosettenkrauler has the meaning of the one that deals with his partner’s anus in sex, for this reason, it is used as slang for the homosexual man that we could translate into the English language as eyelets scratcher. ...
in Finnish: German Finnish Dictionary - badin Finnish: 1.kylpy Kuuma kylpy ja petiin. Kylpy on valmis. related words schlafen in Finnish
German can be daunting to English speakers, with its mile-long mouthfuls likeRechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaft(“a legal protection insurance company”). But it’s easy to forget that English is a Germanic language. Historically, the two languages are closely related in core vocabulary (compare ...
(Languages) a language of N Germany, spoken esp in rural areas: more closely related to Dutch than to standard High German. Also called:PlattdeutschAbbreviation:LGSee alsoGerman1,High German1 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991...
Complete English Grammar Rules is now available in paperback and eBook formats. Make it yours today! Advertisement. Bad banner? Please let us know Remove AdsFacebook Share Twitter Site: Follow: Facebook Twitter Rss Mail Share: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Mail Open / Close ...
Most common English queries, 200001 to 500000 What are other people translating on the internet? Watch our list of most frequent queries below. The list you see above has been recently computed from user queries and is updated every week....
German might just have the word you are looking for where English falls short. See this list of some untranslatable German words.
German gun manuals for rifles, pistols, machineguns, and manuals for reenactors translated to English.
Explore the benefits of life in Germany Live Q&A session with expert speaker Kummerspeck (gaining weight from comfort eating) This one refers to the weight one might gain after a bad relationship break up. This may be one of the strangest literal German/English translations there is. Innerer...