public void ListIPAddresses (out string[] IPAddress, out string[] IPVersion, out bool[] isDhcpEnabled, out int length, out int HRESULT); 参数 IPAddress[] [out] 计算机的 IP 地址列表。 IPVersion[] [out] IP 地址的版本。 IsDhcpEnabled[] [out] 指示 IP 地址是否已启用 DHCP。 Length [...
The number of class C network addresses is large (2 ^ 21 = 2097152). They are suitable for small-scale local area networks, each network can only contain up to 254 computers (2 ^ 8 - 2 = 254). If you need to know more about the class C IP address parts, you can click the t...
New IPv6 address 设置新的IPv6地址。 New Gateway addresses 设置新的网关地址。 New DNS addresses 设置新的DNS地址。 Commit Changes and Exit 提交更改并退出。 Discard Changes and Exit 放弃更改并退出。 “HTTP Boot Configuration”界面如图4-45所示,具体参数说明如表4-37所示。
The length of the network identifier in the class C IP address is 21 bits, and the length of the host identifier is 8 bits. The number of class C network addresses is large (2 ^ 21 = 2097152). They are suitable for small-scale local area networks, each network can only contain up ...
publicvoidListIPAddresses(outstring[] IPAddress,outstring[] IPVersion,outbool[] isDhcpEnabled,outintlength,outintHRESULT); 參數 IPAddress[] [out] 電腦的 IP 位址清單。 IPVersion[] [out] IP 位址的版本。 IsDhcpEnabled[] [out] 指出 IP 位址是否...
This is the list of IP addresses where the first byte is 45, the second byte is 126, the third byte is 121, and the fourth byte is between 0 - 255. 45.126.121.* ( - This IP address list contains 256 IP addresses. Let’s take one of the IP ...
This is the list of IP addresses where the first byte is 208, the second byte is 226, the third byte is 211, and the fourth byte is between 0 - 255. 208.226.21
This is the list of IP addresses where the first byte is 10, the second byte is 201, the third byte is 10, and the fourth byte is between 0 - 255. 10.201.10.* ( - This IP address list contains 256 IP addresses. Let’s take one of the IP addresses...
publicvoidListIPAddresses(outstring[] IPAddress,outstring[] IPVersion,outbool[] isDhcpEnabled,outintlength,outintHRESULT); 参数 IPAddress[] [out] 计算机的 IP 地址列表。 IPVersion[] [out] IP 地址的版本。 IsDhcpEnabled[] [out] 指示 IP 地址是否已启用 DHCP。
HubIPAddresses HubIpConfiguration HubPublicIPAddresses HubRoute HubRouteTable HubRouteTables HubRouteTablesCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams HubRouteTablesCreateOrUpdateResponse HubRouteTablesDeleteOptionalParams HubRouteTablesGetOptionalParams HubRouteTablesGetResponse HubRouteTablesListNextOptionalParams HubRouteTablesList...