Public Sub ListIPAddresses (ByRef IPAddress() as String, _ ByRef IPVersion()as String, ByRef IsDhcpEnabled () as Boolean, _ ByRef Length as Int32, ByRef HRESULT as Int32) C# 复制 public void ListIPAddresses (out string[] IPAddress, out string[] IPVersion, out...
图4-43IPv6 Current Setting界面 表4-35IPv6 Current Setting界面参数说明 参数名称 功能说明 默认值 Interface Name 显示接口名称。 - Interface Type 显示接口类型。 - MAC address 显示当前MAC地址。 - Host addresses 显示当前主机地址信息。 - Route Table ...
图5-49IPv6 Current Setting界面 表5-38IPv6 Current Setting界面参数说明 参数名称 功能说明 默认值 Interface Name 显示接口名称。 - Interface Type 显示接口类型。 - Host addresses 显示当前主机地址信息。 - Gateway addresses 显示当前网关地址。
eipanycast:ListAnycastEipAddresses list *AnycastEipAddress acs:eipanycast:{#regionId}:{#accountId}:anycast/* 无 无 请求参数 名称类型必填描述示例值 AnycastId string 否 Anycast EIP 实例 ID。 说明 为保证查询结果准确性,不建议同时配置 AnycastIds 和AnycastId。 aeip-2zeerraiwb7ujsxdc*** AnycastIds...
By default, all IP addresses are allowed to access your website. You can configure blacklist and whitelist rules to block or log only, or allow access requests from speci
By default, all IP addresses are allowed to access your website. You can configure blacklist and whitelist rules to block, log only, or allow access requests from specifi
一个IPAddress 类型的数组,包含解析为 Aliases 属性中包含的主机名的 IP 地址。 示例 以下示例使用 AddressList 属性访问与 关联的 IPHostEntryIP 地址。 C# 复制 public void GetIpAddressList(String hostString) { try { // Get 'IPHostEntry' object containing information like host name, IP...
This is the list of IP addresses where the first byte is 192, the second byte is 168, the third byte is 180, and the fourth byte is between 0 - 255. 192.168.18
This is the list of IP addresses where the first byte is 192, the second byte is 168, the third byte is 173, and the fourth byte is between 0 - 255. 192.168.173.* ( - This IP address list contains 256 IP addresses. Let’s take one of the IP ...
public void ListIPAddresses (out string[] IPAddress, out string[] IPVersion, out bool[] isDhcpEnabled, out int length, out int HRESULT); 參數 IPAddress[] [out] 電腦的 IP 位址清單。 IPVersion[] [out] IP 位址的版本。 IsDhcpEnabled[] [o...