}@TestvoidtestAllIpAddressCheckWithInvalidIps(){// 准备测试数据AllIpAddressCheckRequestrequest=newAllIpAddressCheckRequest(); request.setIpAddressList(Arrays.asList("","invalid-ip"));// 使用 doAnswer 而不是 thenAnswerdoAnswer(newAnswer<Void>() {@OverridepublicVoidanswer(InvocationOnMock ...
Set<String> ipAddressSet =newHashSet<>(ipAddressList);CountDownLatchlatch=newCountDownLatch(ipAddressSet.size()); 将IP 地址列表转换为HashSet去重。 创建一个CountDownLatch对象,用于等待所有异步任务完成。 异步检查 IP 地址: for(String ipAddress : ipAddressSet) {if(ipAddress ==null|| ipAddress....
Red: The IP address is inactive, dead, or there is no device connected to this IP address. 6. Conclusion In this tutorial, we saw how to determine the subnet of our network using ifconfig in Linux. We also learned how to use netdiscover, nmap, and Angry IP Scanner to get a list of...
PublicIPAddressDnsSettings 包含與公用IP位址相關聯的 DNS 記錄 FQDN。 PublicIpAddressDnsSettingsDomainNameLabelScope 功能變數名稱標籤範圍。 如果指定功能變數名稱標籤和功能變數名稱標籤範圍,則會為Microsoft Azure DNS 系統中的公用IP建立一個 DNS 記錄,其中包含 FQDN 中的哈希值。 PublicIPAddressListResult Li...
IP Address Management API OverviewAdd a Twilio SendGrid IP AddressGet Details for an IP AddressGet a List of all IP Addresses on your AccountUpdate Details for an IP AddressCreate an IP Pool with a Name and IP AssignmentsGet Details for an IP PoolGET all IP Pools that ...
PublicIPAddressSku 公用IP位址的SKU。 PublicIPAddressSkuName 公用IP位址 SKU 的名稱。 PublicIPAddressSkuTier 公用IP位址SKU的階層。 ResourceIdentityType 用於資源的身分識別類型。 類型 'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned' 包含隱含建立的身分識別和一組使用者指派的身分識別。 類型 『None』 會從虛擬機中移除任何...
PublicIPAddressListResult PublicIPAddressMigrationPhase PublicIPAddressSku PublicIPAddressSkuName PublicIPAddressSkuTier PublicIpDdosProtectionStatusResult PublicIPPrefix PublicIPPrefixes PublicIPPrefixesCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams PublicIPPrefixesCreateOrUpdateResponse PublicIPPrefixesDeleteOptionalParams PublicIPPrefixe...
How can I get all of the IP addresses attached to the machine that my application (C# NET Console app) is running on? I need to bind a WCF service to the primary IP address, and return a list of the full IP address list. using System.Net; string myHostName = Dns.GetHostName()....
PublicIPAddressListResult PublicIPAddressMigrationPhase PublicIPAddressSku PublicIPAddressSkuName PublicIPAddressSkuTier PublicIpDdosProtectionStatusResult PublicIPPrefix PublicIPPrefixes PublicIPPrefixesCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams PublicIPPrefixesCreateOrUpdateResponse PublicIPPrefixesDeleteOptionalParams PublicIPPref...
"address_postal_code_check": null, "cvc_check": null }, "country": "US", "exp_month": 3, "exp_year": 2024, "fingerprint": "mToisGZ01V71BCos", "funding": "credit", "installments": null, "last4": "4242", "mandate": null, "network": "visa", "three_d_secure": null, "...