junegunn/fzf - 🌸 A command-line fuzzy finder barthr/redo - Redo is the ultimate tool to create reusable functions from your history in an interactive way safing/portmaster - 🏔 Love Freedom - ❌ Block Mass Surveillance yeasy/docker_practice - Learn and understand Docker&Container technologie...
Free for public access group, unlimited users, history, and integrations. also, it provides a self-hostable open-source version. cally.com— Find the perfect time and date for a meeting. Simple to use, works great for small and large groups. Calendly— Calendly is the tool for connecting ...
该仓库未声明开源许可证文件(LICENSE),使用请关注具体项目描述及其代码上游依赖。 master 克隆/下载 git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 分支2 标签0 Robert Felkerfilter and order006d0953个月前 1906 次提交 ...
When EoGRE AAA-proxy is used, AAA ports are set to 1645 and 1646 by default. To change this port configuration, use these command:tunnel eogre interfacetunnel-intfaaa proxy keykeykey-nameauth-portauth_portacct-portacct_port Mobility Tunnel goes down and come up ...
Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3 LVM Subscriber exclusive content A Red Hat subscription provides unlimited access to our knowledgebase, tools, and much more. Current Customers and Partners Log in for full access ...
git addis the command to use when you’re ready to “save” a copy of your work. It’s very often used in conjunction with the next command —git commit— as this adds (aka “commits”) what’s been saved to the project’s running history. ...
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t=96 柏青哥的 SuSE Linux http://paching.myweb./ from: http://opensource./intro_to_linux/CML/command_history_list.html本站是提供个人知识管理的网络存储空间,所有内容均由用户发布,不代表本站观点。请注意甄别内容中的联系方式、诱导购买等信息,谨防诈骗。如发现有害或侵权内容,请点击一键举报。转藏...
I'm using ls -a command to get the file names in a directory, but the output is in a single line. Like this: . .. .bash_history .ssh updater_error_log.txt I need a built-in alternative to get filenames, each on a new line, like this: . .. .bash_history .ssh updater_...
Install and Use McFly to Search Bash or ZSH History Install and Use ripgrep Install and Use Silver Searcher on Linux Install and Use the broot Command Install and Use the cheat Command on Linux Install and Use the curlie Command on Linux Install and Use the duf Command on Linux Install an...