The rephc showcglastevent command is used to query the currently processed HyperMetro consistency group events. Format rephc showcglastevent [localId]|[startLocalId] Parameters Parameter Description Value loclId ID of a local HyperMetro consistency group. - startLocalId ID index of the fi...
admin:/diagnose>rephc showcglastevent 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 0 >show all cg history events,start localId(0).< +the localCgId(0) receive event(118)(REPHC_ETYPE_CG_RESERVE_ARB_INFO),record times[2019-12-24/09:55:03 UTC] +the localCgId(1) receive event(100)(REPHC_ETYPE_CG_SMOOTH),...
To show information about the status of the last system software upgrade, use the show last-upgrade status command. show last-upgrade status Command History Release Modification 6.7 This command was introduced. Examples The following example shows that the last upgrade was s...
The %d and %D placeholders will use the "short" decoration format if --decorate was not already provided on the command line. The boolean options accept an optional value [=<bool-value>]. The values true, false, on, off etc. are all accepted. See the "boolean" sub-section in "...
Command History 版本 修改 6.1 引入了此命令。 7.2.6 7.4.1 物理端口的 show capture detail 输出会显示丢弃配置(disable 或 mac-filter)。 Usage Guidelines 如果指定捕获名称,则显示该捕获的捕获缓冲区内容。 dump 关键字不显示十六进制转储中的 MAC 信息。 数据包的解码输出取决...
Then run this command to start theDocker imagewith the configuration just created: on Windows: docker run --volume .\appsettings.Development.json:/app/appsettings.Production.json -it --rm -p 9001:9001 kernelmemory/service on Linux / macOS: ...
【标题描述】:使用gsjdbc200.jar,一次show/create/update/delete等操作后,查询statement_history表,每个操作有两条记录,且DML类其中一条transaction_id为0;仅通过gsql工具,不通过驱动,没有此问题 【测试类型:接口功能】 【测试版本:2.1.0】 问题描述
Do not show notes. This negates the above--notesoption, by resetting the list of notes refs from which notes are shown. Options are parsed in the order given on the command line, so e.g. "--notes --notes=foo --no-notes --notes=bar" will only show notes from "refs/notes/bar"....
From your command line, clone and run developerFolio: #Clone this repositorygit clone into the repositorycddeveloperFolio#Setup default environment variables#For Linuxcp env.example .env#For Windowscopy env.example .env#Install dependenciesnpm install...
HISTORY ipwas written by Alexey N. Kuznetsov and added in Linux 2.2. SEEALSO ip-address(8),ip-addrlabel(8),ip-l2tp(8),ip-link(8),ip-maddress(8),ip-monitor(8),ip-mroute(8),ip-neighbour(8),ip-netns(8),ip-ntable(8),ip-route(8),ip-rule(8),ip-tcp_metrics(8),ip-tunnel(8...