GET{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/{cloudServiceName}/roleInstances/{roleInstanceName}/networkInterfaces?api-version=2017-03-30 URI 参数 展开表 名称在必需类型说明 cloudS...
Gets information about all public IP addresses in a role instance IP configuration in a cloud service.
GET{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/{cloudServiceName}/roles?api-version=2022-09-04 URI Parameters Expand table NameInRequiredTypeDescription cloudServiceName path True string Name of the cloud s...
List of Service Providers I have a spreadsheet where I have columns for service provider name, address, phone number. The next 12 columns are the name of a service they provide. They made provide more than one so in the row with their name, address and phone number I have put an "X"...
To make it easier to compare pricing across cloud service providers, Oracle web pages show both virtual CPU (vCPU) prices and Oracle CPU (OCPU) prices for products with compute-based pricing. The products themselves, provisioning in the portal, billing, and so on continue to use OCPU units....
Cloudlist:【GitHub传送门】 许可证协议 本项目的开发与发布遵循MIT开源许可证协议。 参考资料 # 云安全 # 云服务 # 云原生安全 本文为 Alpha_h4ck 独立...
[INF] Found 2 hosts and 6 IPs from AWS service (prod) Nuclei和Cloudlist配合使用 我们还可以跟Nuclei配置使用来从多个云服务商扫描资产以实现安全评估和审计的目的: cloudlist -silent | httpx -silent | nuclei -t cves/ 支持的云服务商 AWS(亚马逊Web服务):EC2、Route53 ...
Cloudlist是一款整合了多个云端资源的工具,可以帮助广大研究人员从云服务商那里获取到云端资产的相关信息,比如说主机名称和IP地址等等。该工具主要为蓝队研究人员设计,可以帮助蓝队成员更好地管理和评估云端资产的攻击面,只需很少的配置工作,就可以跨多个云维护一个集中的资产列表。 功能介绍 可轻松列出具有多种配置的...
Service Fabric Spring Cloud SQL 虚拟机上的 SQL Server Stack Edge 存储 存储 StorSimple StorSimple 8000 系列 流分析 订阅 支持 Synapse 表 流量管理器 视频分析器 工作负载监视器 其他 下载PDF Learn .NET 参考 网络 管理- 已弃用网络 Fluent () Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network....
(default "$HOME/.config/cloudlist/provider-config.yaml")FILTERS:-p, -provider value display results for given providers (comma-separated) (default linode,fastly,heroku,terraform,digitalocean,consul,cloudflare,hetzner,nomad,do,scw,openstack,alibaba,aws,gcp,namecheap,kubernetes,azure)-id string[] ...