The List all cloud services operation gets all the cloud services in a subscription. This helps you determine if you have already created a cloud service or if you need to create a new one. This is also needed if you want to enumerate your resources....
A cloud provider is a company that offers a cloud computing platform, infrastructure, application, or storage services, usually for a fee.
Neem de volgende punten in beschouwing voordat je voor een bepaalde cloudserviceprovider kiest. Meer informatie over het beoordelen van de betrouwbaarheid en mogelijkheden van een cloudserviceprovider.
建议在启用密码哈希同步之前启用 CloudPasswordPolicyForPasswordSyncedUsersEnabled,以便密码哈希的初始同步不会将DisablePasswordExpiration值添加到用户的 PasswordPolicies 属性。 默认Microsoft Entra 密码策略不需要用户更改其密码。 如果本地 Active Directory 中的策略不同,则可以使用 Update-MgDomain PowerShell 命令更...
AADSTS1000104XCB2BResourceCloudNotAllowedOnIdentityTenant - 身分識別租用戶 {identityTenant} 上不允許資源雲端 {resourceCloud}。 {resourceCloud} - 擁有資源的雲端執行個體。 {identityTenant} - 是登入身分識別的來源租用戶。 AADSTS51004UserAccountNotInDirectory - 目錄中不存在使用者帳戶。 應用程式可能已選擇錯...
Volume Licensing customers can license their server applications on-premises and in the cloud on a qualified service provider's shared hardware environment for specific applications. Get details aboutLicense Mobility through Software Assurance. Benefits ...
AADSTS90036MsodsServiceUnretryableFailure - MSODS 托管的 WCF 服务发生意外的不可重试错误。 请开具支持票证,获取有关该错误的更多详细信息。 AADSTS90038NationalCloudTenantRedirection - 指定的租户“Y”属于国家/地区云“X”。 当前云实例“Z”未与 X 联合。返回了云重定向错误。
On-premises legacy applicationspublished for cloud accessDeployMicrosoft Entra application proxy Choose authentication methods for MFA There are many methods that can be used for a second-factor authentication. You can choose from the list of available authentication methods, evaluating each in terms of...
Volume Licensing customers can license their server applications on-premises and in the cloud on a qualified service provider's shared hardware environment for specific applications. Get details about License Mobility through Software Assurance.Benefits...
The Xbox online service, Xbox Game Studios games (including Mojang Games) (, applications, subscriptions (e.g. Xbox Game Pass subscription service offerings), services (e.g. Xbox Cloud Gaming) and content provided by Microsoft (collectively, the "Xbox ...