STL中的container各有专长,最常用的是std::vector,可以完全取代array,第二常用的是std::list。std::vector的优点在于non-sequential access超快,新增数据于数据后端超快,但insert和erase任意资料则相当缓慢;std::list则是insert和erase速度超快,但non-sequential access超慢,此范例以实际时间比较vector和list间的优缺点。
注意,尽管 difference_type 适用于满足输入迭代器(包括可逆容器支持的双向迭代器的类,如集)需求的所有迭代器,迭代器之间的减法仅受随机访问容器(如 vector Class)提供的随机访问迭代器支持。示例C++ 复制 // list_diff_type.cpp // compile with: /EHsc #include <iostream> #include <list> #include <...
3) Popular implementation of List interface in Java includes ArrayList, Vector and LinkedList. While popular implementation of Set interface includes HashSet, TreeSet and LinkedHashSet. Its pretty clear that if you need to maintain insertion order or object and you collection can contain duplicates ...
What is the difference between std::array and std::vector? When do you use one over other? [duplicate] std::arrayis just a class version of the classic C array. That means its size is fixed at compile time and it will be allocated as a single chunk (e.g. taking space on the sta...
25 What is the difference between the functions seq?, sequential? and coll? 6 How does usage of Seq compare to that of List, Array and Vector? 2 The use of Seq function in Clojure 8 What is the difference between seq and sequence in Clojure? 0 (clojure.core/seq) instead of list...
同步容器类就是一些经过同步处理了的容器类,比如List有Vector,Map有Hashtable,查看其源码发现其保证线程安全的方式就是把每个对外暴露的存取方法用synchronized关键字同步化,这样做我们立马会想到有以下问题: 1)性能有问题 同步化了所有存取方法,就表明所有对这个容器对象的操作将会串行,这样做来得倒是干净,但性能的代价...
vector<char> v1{'h','e','l','l','o'}; vector<char> v2{'h','e','l','l','o','o'}; vector<char> v3{'h','e','l','m','o'}; cout<<"v1="; for(char i:v1) cout<<i<<" "; cout<<endl; cout<<"v2="; ...
typedef qptrdiff difference_type; typedef T value_type; typedef T *pointer; typedef T &reference。 与其他容器类的互操作: QList 提供了与其他容器类(如 QVector, QLinkedList 等)之间的转换和互操作功能: QList(const QVector &vector):用 QVector 构造 QList; ...
(copy-sequence ARG),返回 list,vector,string,char-table 或 record 的浅拷贝 若ARG 是空序列,该函数会返回相同类型的空对象 (copy-tree TREE &optional VECP),对 TREE 进行深拷贝并返回拷贝树 如果VECP 为非空的话,它也会对向量进行深拷贝 (flatten-tree TREE),“压扁” TREE 并返回,返回的新表中包含...
// cliext_list_difference_type.cpp // compile with: /clr #include <cliext/list> int main() { cliext::list<wchar_t> c1; c1.push_back(L'a'); c1.push_back(L'b'); c1.push_back(L'c'); // display initial contents " a b c" for each (wchar_t elem in c1) System::Console...