ClassAntihyperglycaemics; Insulins; Pancreatic hormones Mechanism of ActionOrnithine decarboxylase stimulants; Phosphokinase stimulants; Tyrosine aminotransferase stimulants Orphan Drug Status Orphan designation is assigned by a regulatory body to encourage companies to develop drugs for rare diseases. ...
2011. Intradermal microneedle delivery of insulin lispro achieves faster insulin absorption and insulin action than subcutaneous injection. Diabetes Technol. Ther. 13: 435-442.Pettis RJ, Ginsberg B, Hirsch L, et al. Intradermal microneedle delivery of insulin lispro achieves faster insulin...
Ultra Rapid Lispro (URLi) Accelerates Insulin Lispro Absorption and Insulin Action vs Humalog Consistently Across Study Populations: A Pooled Analysis of Pharmacokinetic and Glucodynamic DataINSULIN derivativesINSULINTYPE 2 diabetesTYPE 1 diabetesPHARMACOKINETICS...
InsulinJapaneseType1 diabetes mellitusUltra‐rapid lispro (URLi) is a novel ultra‐rapid mealtime insulin. This study compared the pharmacokinetic and glucodynamic profiles, safety, and tolerability of URLi and lispro (Humalog ) in Japanese patients with type1 diabetes mellitus....
Insulin glulisine:a faster onset of action compared with insulin lispro [ J ]. Diabetes Obes Metab, 2007,9(5) :746 -53.Heise T, Nosek L, Spitzer H et al. Insulin glulisine: a faster onset of action compared with insulin lispro. Diabetes Obes Metab 2007: 9: 746-753....
Aims: VIAject is a formulation of human insulin with a very fast onset of action. Previous studies used VIAject in a concentration of 25 U/ml and a pH of 4 [VIAject 25 (VJ25)]. Objective of this double blind, three-way crossover study was to compare the pharmacodynamic/pharmacokinetic...
Inhaled insulin [Exubera]*has a faster onset of action than SC human insulin [Humulin] and the rapid-acting SC insulin lisproNA;Inpharma weekly
Ultra‐Rapid Lispro results in accelerated insulin lispro absorption and faster early insulin action in comparison to Humalog in Japanese patients with type 1 diabetesdoi:10.1111/jdi.13195Masanari ShiramotoRisa NasuTomonori OuraKenji Ohwaki
The Action Profile of Lispro Is Not Blunted by Mixing in the Syringe With NPH Insulindoi:10.2337/diacare.21.12.2098S E JosephA Korzon BurakowskaJames WoodworthStephanie Amiel
OBJECTIVE -- This study compares the time-action profile of inhaled insulin (INH; Exubera) with that of subcutaneously injected insulin lispro (ILP) or regular human insulin (RHI) in healthy volunteers. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS -- In this open-label, randomized, three-way, crossover study,...