Low blood sugar may happen with insulin lispro. Very low blood sugar can lead to seizures, passing out, long lasting brain damage, and sometimes death.Low blood potassium may also happen with insulin lispro. If not treated, this can lead to a heartbeat that is not normal, very bad ...
Learn about Humalog®, a fast-acting mealtime insulin used to treat people with diabetes for the control of high blood sugar
When you have diabetes, your body is not able to effectively make or use insulin it needs to control blood sugar levels.5 Long-acting insulin, also known as basal insulin, works throughout the day and night to help bring down your blood sugar levels in between your meals.4 Fast-acting ...
You may have been taking a long-acting insulin for a while now. So why did your doctor prescribe another insulin? Well, it's to help control the blood sugar "spikes" that happen naturally when you eat. Everyone gets them, but when you have diabetes you may need extra help controlling ...
Use of the short- acting insulin analogue lispro in intensive treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus: importance of appropriate replacement of basal insulin and time-interval injection-meal. Diabet Med. 1998;15:592-600.C et al. Use of the short-acting insulin analogue lispro in intensive ...
Low blood sugar may happen with insulin lispro protamine and insulin lispro (pens). Very low blood sugar can lead toseizures, passing out, long lasting brain damage, and sometimes death. Talk with the doctor. Low blood potassium may happen with insulin lispro protamine and insulin lispro (pens...
A quality-of-life assessment of intensive insulin therapy using insulin lispro switched from short-acting insulin and measured by an ITRQOL questionnaire: a prospective comparison of multiple daily insulin injections and continuous subcutaneous insulin in - K, Miyakoshi, et al....
ADMELOG, a rapid-acting human insulin analog, demonstrated comparable structure, pharmacology, efficacy, and dosing to Humalog. See Important Safety Information
Do not use/inject Humalog Insulins: If you have had an allergic reaction to Humalog, Humalog Mix25 or Humalog Mix50, or to any of the ingredients listed here. Signs of an allergic reaction include redness, swelling and itching at the injection site, rash, shortness of breath, fast pulse...
ADMELOG administered by subcutaneous injection should generally be used in regimens with intermediate or long-acting insulin. The ADMELOG SoloStar prefilled pen dials in 1-unit increments. Prior to subcutaneous use, ADMELOG may be diluted with sterile 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection. Dilute one-part...