I have had a colonoscopy before and they told me I wasn’t cleaned out enough. Is this prep going to be enough? I don’t want to do this again. We typically find out what preparation did not work and whether there were any confounding factors that may account for the poor response. ...
MiraLax-GatoradePreparationforColonoscopy Beforebeginningthepreparation,youmustpurchasefromyourlocalpharmacythefollowing: Thisdoesnotrequireaprescription Miralax238gms(availableinabottle;youmayalsopurchasethegenericcalledPEG3350) Dulcolaxtablets(notthestoolsoftener)-youmayneedupto4tablets Thedaybeforetheprocedure: Clearl...
Pteridines are a group of compounds synthesised by many living organisms that are involved in the metabolism of many cofactors and vitamins. Their concentration in biological fluids may be altered by various pathologies such as cancer or inflammatory bow