A clear-liquid diet is something that we've been traditionally taught to do the day before the colonoscopy. I was part of an earlier US Multi-Society Task Force looking at the issue of colon preparations, which offeredrecommendationsthat thelow-residue dietshould be offered as a potential optio...
Before this test, you’ll prep your bowels and drink a liquid to make polyps easy to see. A virtual colonoscopy may be right for you if you take blood thinners. It’s noninvasive and quick, but it may miss some small polyps. 15/15 How Often You Need to Screen If your colonoscopy ...
Use of laxative: A pill or liquid form of a laxative may be prescribed. This should be taken the night before colonoscopy or both the night before and on the morning of the procedure. Enema kit: In some cases, an enema may be used either the night before the procedure or a few hours...