Microbial lysates, rich in protein and essential nutrients, demonstrate remarkable capabilities in forming gels and stable foams when heated and whisked, similar to liquid eggs. These characteristics make them an excellent alternative to animal-derived l
J., 1968. Equivalent pasteurization tem peratures to kill salmonellae in liquid egg white at various pH levels. Poultry Sci. 47:354-365.Cotterill, 0. J. 1968. Equivalent pasteurization temperatures to kill salmonellae in liquid egg white at various pH levels. Poultry Sci. 47:354-365....
RP3peptide, and α-Syn. Human DEAD-box helicase-4 (Ddx4) is a protein involved in the formation of nuage in sperm and egg cells35and suspected of being involved in ovarian cancer61. The n1 domain of Ddx4 (Ddx4n1) has been shown to be responsible...
Besides, stepwise MDF approach which divides the mass defect range or mass range into multiple mass defect windows or mass windows were proved to improve the signal to noise ratio of the target peaks, and polymethoxylated flavonoids were successfully screened from the leaves of Citrus reticulata ...
producing gel tubes as blood vessel models according to the present invention. Concentration ratios of AA having a hydrophilic group and DMA having a hydrophobic group are of importance since these factors influence an appropriate water retention ratio inside the gel and hydrophilicity to the gel ...
to be the same. We estimated the relative enrichment by calculating the ratio between the integral of the signal spikes and the baseline integral for both the labeling conditions and then calculated the ratio between these two ratios (Methods section). This procedure eliminated the need to know ...
Amphiphilic additives such as bovine serum albumin (BSA) and Tween have been used to improve cellulose hydrolysis by cellulases. However, there has been a lack of clarity to explain their mechanism of action in enzymatic hydrolysis of pure or low-lignin cellulosic substrates. In this work, a co...
Crest Factor (aka Peak-to-Average Ratio) is defined as peak value divided by the effective value of a signal [48]: C = Xmax Energies 2017, 10, 1961 14 of 22 However, the reflected pulse is easily identified by ACF. Normally, the computer software locates the liquid level by extracting...
However in previous studies, the flow field was not long enough for the simulation of these changes, so the model requires a flow field that is equivalent to the actual physiology to simulate the physiological flow field correctly. In addition, the deformation of tube wall is an important ...