Lipofectamine™ 2000 转染试剂是一种多功能转染试剂,研究表明其能有效转染较广泛的贴壁和悬浮细胞系。研究人员将 Lipofectamine™ 2000 试剂用于基于 siRNA 和 shRNA 的基因敲除实验以及基因表达研究。借助Lipofectamine™ 2000 转染试剂,您将获得:•出色的多种细胞系转染效率和极高的重组蛋白表达水平(参见表格)...
siRNA 介绍 Invitrogen Lipofectamine 2000 试剂采用专有配方,可促进将 Invitrogen Stealth RNA 分子、短干扰 RNA (siRNA) 或质粒 DNA 高效递送到哺乳动物细胞中进行 RNAi 分析 (1, 2)。本参考文件提供了一般指南,本节描述了使用 Lipofectamine® 2000 试剂将质粒 DNA 和...
PROTOCOL & APPLICATION NOTES Relative Surface Areas Of Tissue Culture Vessels Surface Areas Of Tissue Culture Vessels Tubes Recommended For Use With Lipofectamine™ 2000 Optimizing Plasmid DNA Transfections With Lipofectamine™ 2000 Transfection Protocols Co-Transfection Of Sirna And Plasmid DNA Transfectio...
Follow these general guidelines when using Lipofectamine™ 2000 to reverse transfect siRNA or Stealth™ RNAi duplexes into mammalian cells.• Use low-passage cells, and make sure that cells are healthy and greater than 90% viable before transfection. This protocol is for use with adherent ...
核酸(siRNA、DNA、RNA)的体内导入试验 贴壁细胞和悬浮细胞转染 Lipofectamin2000 的特点:不必更换培养基...
2000Transfection ProtocolsCo-Transfection Of Sirna And Plasmid DNATransfection Of Fluorescently Labeled Oligos With Lipofectamine™ 2000Transfection Of Cells In 96-Well PlatesTransient Transfection Of Suspension CellsALTERNATE PRODUCTS & COMPATIBILITY PRODUCT DOCUMENTATIONREFERENCESPRODUCT NAME & CATALOG NUMBERS...
2000. 2.Transfectcellsathighcelldensity.90-95%confluenceatthetimeoftransfectionisrecommendedtoobtainhighefficiency andexpressionlevels,andtominimizedecreasedcellgrowthassociatedwithhightransfectionactivity.Lowercelldensities aresuitablewithoptimizationofconditions.Takecaretomaintainastandardseedingprotocolbetweenexperi-ments ...
200ng of two different reporter plasmids were co-transfected with 10pmol of siRNA following the standard Lipofectamine™ 2000 protocol, with 2ul of Lipofectamine™ 2000 per well. The total volume of the transfection mixes was 100ul, and it was added to the medium already in the wells. ...
directlyaddcellsattwicethecelldensityasinthebasicprotocolina100µl volume.Cellswilladhereasusualinthepresenceofcomplexes. SharedreagentsDNAtransfectionRNAitransfection Culture vessel Surf. areaper well 1 Vol.of plating medium Vol.of dilution medium
Lipofectamine® 2000转染试剂是一种多用途转染试剂,可在各种贴壁和悬浮细胞系中提供高效转染。研究人员可使用Lipofectamine® 2000试剂进行基于siRNA和shRNA的基因敲除实验及基因表达研究。Lipofectamine® 2000是Life Technologies提供的用于siRNA和质粒DNA共转染的最佳试剂。