to inform their physician of all medications, supplements, and herbal preparations they are taking and any change in their medical condition. to inform a physician prescribing a new medication, that they are taking LIPOFEN. to continue to follow an appropriate lipid-modifying diet while taking LI...
: loss of subcutaneous fat (such as that occurring from subcutaneous injections especially of insulin or corticosteroids or from long-term use of protease inhibitors in the treatment of HIV) Note: Lipoatrophy may be localized to a single part of the body (as the face, arms, or legs) or ...
The peritoneum of the uterine serosa usually reflects at the isthmus or slightly below on the posterior cervix, while the anterior cervix is less peritonealized, as the serosal reflection occurs higher on the anterior part; so, if the term “subserosal” was correctly used, implying at least...