lipolipoidosis lip·o·lip·oi·do·sis (lip'ō-lip'oy-dō'sis), Fatty infiltration, both neutral fats and anisotropic lipoids being present in the cells. See also:liposis(2). Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 An older term for: ...
Didrex is indicated in the management of exogenous obesity as a short term (a few weeks) adjunct in a regimen of weight reduction based on caloric restriction in patients with an initial body mass index (BMI) of 30 kg/m2 or higher who have not responded to appropriate weight reducing regime...
The assessment stated that longer-term follow-up is needed to determine how much of the injected fat survives and how much is eventually re-absorbed by the body. There are also important safety issues with the procedure, especially in association with the lipo-necrotic lumps that can form in ...
A well-circumscribed, low-grade malignancy which arises in deep soft tissue of extremities, retroperitoneum, and groin, for which the term “well-differentiated liposarcoma” is increasingly preferred. As a general rule, the deeper the tumour, the more likely it is to recur. ...
Multiple personality disorder (MPD)— An older term for dissociative identity disorder (DID). Trauma— A disastrous or life-threatening event that can cause severe emotional distress, including dissociative symptoms and disorders. Prevention Since the primary cause of dissociative disorders is thought to...
To read more about laser face lift and body lipo treatment, send inquiry. Product advantages What results can I expect from TR 1470nm? TR 1470nm results are long-term and continue to improve for several months following the procedure, as additional collagen ...
Clinical effects of long-term metreleptin treatment in patients with lipodystrophy. Endocr Pract. 2011; 17(6):922-32.2. Food and Drug Administration. Drugs@FDA. URL: 3.pdf. Available from Internet...
We hope this cooperation will be long-term. Miriam Kalenius / Plastiikkakirurgia Natalia Levai, head of Grand Beauty clinic: –I am very grateful to you for bringing Plasmolifting to our market, because it is very promising, attractive and all round direction. I would better say this is ...
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Mest and Humble (2009) evaluated the long-term safety, duration of effect, and satisfaction with serial injections of poly-l-lactic acid (PLLA) for HIV-associated facial lipoatrophy. In this single-site, open-label, re-treatment study, 65 HIV-positive patients were treated with injectable PLLA...