Search Command History UseCtrl-R then type the command nameyou used last time, you will see a console window like: (reverse−i−search)`': Use Ctrl-R key combination to scroll backword through the history UseCtrl-R repeatedlyto find every string you entered Execute itafter finding by[E...
可以通过定义一个变量的方式,方便的加入一些命令参数,如下: .PHONY:clean ALLsrc =$(wildcard*.c)# 所有.c文件obj =$(patsubst%.c,%.o,$(src))# 将.c替换成.omyArgs = -Wall -g# 定义变量,用来增加命令参数ALL:a.outa.out:$(obj)gcc -o$@$^$(myArgs)%.o:%.cgcc -c$<-o$@$(myArgs)...
man command history:查看命令历史 history whoami:显示当前用户名 whoami hostname:显示主机名 hostname top:查看系统资源使用情况 top free:查看内存使用情况 free ps:查看进程列表 ps kill:杀死进程 kill pid 这些只是 Linux 常用命令的一部分。随着你对 Linux 的了解越来越多,你将会学会更多命令。 以下是一些学习...
command parameters(命令 参数) 长短参数 代码语言:javascript 复制 单个参数:ls-a(a 是英文 all 的缩写,表示“全部”) 多个参数:ls-al(全部文件+列表形式展示) 单个长参数:ls--all 多个长参数:ls--reverse--all 长短混合参数:ls--all-l 参数值 代码语言:javascript 复制 短参数:command-p10(例如:ssh root...
$ history | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -5 首先,运行下面的命令,让 kmdr 进入解释状态: $ kmdr explain 接着,输入我们上面的示例命令,然后按 ENTER 键: ? Enter your command: history | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -5 history...
#If you experience problems, see ### #The imjournal module bellow is now used as a message source instead of imuxsock. $ModLoad imuxsock #provides support for local system logging (e.g. via logger command) $Mod...
The output displays all the previous history in this terminal. How to Clear the Command History of the Current Session? For clearing the command history in Linux, utilize the history command followed by the “-c” option. This will clear the current session’s command history. ...
history 显示当前用户的历史命令记录 pwd 输出工作目录 cat /etc/profile 显示默认系统变量 cat /etc/shells 显示可用的shellrc cat /etc/bashrc cat ~/.bash_profile cat ~/.bashrc cat ~/.bash_logout env命令显示环境变量 PATH变量通常可以看到编译器或者脚本语言的信息 ...
$history-w This writes all current session command history to the HISTFILE. And now your check script can easily find if the command has been run. You also have to trust that the student will run the history command. [ Check out Seth Kenlon's history lesson:Make Bash history more useful...
byobu++ automated terminal management and history Power Management See also: ...