执行 history 后你会看到三条重复的条目,要剔除这些重复的条目,你可以将 HISTCONTROL 设置为 ignoredups: # pwd # pwd # pwd # history | tail -4 44 pwd 45 pwd 46 pwd [Note that there are three pwd commands in history, after executing pwd 3 times as shown above] 47 history | tail -4 # ...
我们可以使用感叹号序号的组合重新执行,特别强调history命令默认存储近500个命令,按照LRU最少使用的队列原则,或者执行行时间的顺序淘汰。 使用-c参数我们可以清空所有的历史记录。 ubuntu@VM-8-8-ubuntu:~$ history -c ubuntu@VM-8-8-ubuntu:~$ ubuntu@VM-8-8-ubuntu:~$ history 1 2023-03-29 07:46:49 hi...
使用HISTCONTROL 强制 history 不记住特定的命令 将HISTCONTROL 设置为 ignorespace,并在不想被记住的命令前面输入一个空格: # export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace #ls-ltr #pwd# service httpd stop [Note that there is a space at the beginning of service, to ignore this command from history] # history|tail-...
要剔除这些重复的条目,你可以将 HISTCONTROL 设置为 ignoredups:# pwd# pwd# pwd# history | tail -444 pwd45 pwd46 pwd [Note that there are three pwd commands in history, after executing pwd 3 times as shown above]47 history | tail -4# export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups# pwd# pwd# pwd# history...
Bash history- Network linux commands man page Shell scripting What is Shell? Types of Shell? Scripts and Shell info Variables in Shell programming Predifined variables (environement variables) User defined variables variables name variable scopes Variable substitution Command substitution Command Line ...
history # 查看历史命令 场景2:/proc 目录有哪些信息 cat /proc/... cgroups cmdline cpuinfo crypto devices diskstats filesystems iomem ioports kallsyms meminfo modules partitions uptime version vmstat 场景3:后台执行命令 nohup &>[some.log] & 一些命令 ...
( commands shown with '.' require a visible task display window ) Press 'h' or '?' for help with Windows, any other key to continue 1: 显示各个 CPU 的使用情况 c: 显示进程完整路径 H: 显示线程 P: 排序 - CPU 使用率 M: 排序 - 内存使用率 ...
history –Display previously used commands within the current terminal session. man –Access help manuals for commands right within the terminal. screen –Manage multiple terminal sessions from a single window. ssh –Establish secure encrypted connections to remote servers. tcpdump –Capture network traf...
Archweb provides multiple management commands for importing various sorts of data. An overview of commands: generate_keyring - Assemble a GPG keyring with all known developer keys. pgp_import - Import keys and signatures from a given GPG keyring. ...
Common Commands Querying Intel VROC (SATA RAID) Basic Information Creating an Array and RAIDs Deleting a RAID Array Querying Array and RAID Group Information Setting the Hot Spare Drive Status Setting the Status of a Drive UID Indicator Setting the Rebuild Policy for New Drives Modifying ...