which can be found in the Dash by searching for “Startup Applications.” Once the tool is open, you can click the “Add” button to add a new startup application. You will need to specify the name of the application, the command to run the script, and any other options that are re...
systmd service 文件一般放在/etc/systemd/system/文件夹中。创建一个服务如下 //在/etc/systemd/system/下创建一个服务,如下# vim ser.service//[Unit] 区块:启动顺序与依赖关系。[Unit]//Description字段给出当前服务的简单描述Description=Run a Custom Script at StartupAfter=default.target//Service区块定义...
先是用于解压缩的程序 lzma_decompress.img(对应的代码是 startup_raw.S),这个是因为 kernel.img 是经过压缩的,需要将 kernel.img 解压缩;之后就是加载 kernel.img 了,需要解压缩(注意,这个 kernel 不是 Linux 的内核,而是 grub 的内核);最后是各个模块 module 对应的映像加载。 5.3. lzma_decompress.img ...
Description=Run a Custom Script at Startup After=default.target [Service] ExecStart=/home/alvin/auto_run_script.sh [Install] WantedBy=default.target 从服务的内容可以看出来,我们最终还是会调用 /home/alvin/auto_run_script.sh 这个脚本。 然后,我们再把这个脚本放置在/etc/systemd/systerm/目录下,之后...
[Unit]Description=Run a Custom Script at StartupAfter=default.target[Service]ExecStart=/home/ok/auto_run_script.sh[Install]WantedBy=default.target 从服务的内容可以看出来,我们最终还是会调用 /home/ok/auto_run_script.sh 这个脚本。 然后,我们再把这个脚本放置在/etc/systemd/systerm/目录下,之后我们再...
[4829] GMToff=28800log_it: (CRON4829) INFO (@reboot jobs will be run at computer's startup.)[4829] Target time=1497950880, sec-to-wait=38 # 等待crond daemon下一次的检测,所以表示38秒后crond将检测crontab file user [root:0:0:...] cmd="echo "hello world" >>/tmp/hello.txt " ...
log_it:(CRON 4829) INFO (@reboot jobs will be run at computer's startup.) [4829] Target time=1497950880, sec-to-wait=38 # 等待crond daemon下一次的检测,所以表示38秒后crond将检测crontab file user [root:0:0:...] cmd="echo "hello world" >>/tmp/hello.txt " ...
Some versions of init, such as Upstart and systemd, can capture diagnostic messages from startup and runtime that would normally go to the console. 内核启动后,用户空间启动过程通常会产生信息。 这些信息可能更难查看和审查,因为在大多数系统中,你不会在一个日志文件中找到它们。 启动脚本通常会将信息...
However, this usually isn’t a problem because each script typically writes its own log. Some versions of init, such as Upstart and systemd, can capture diagnostic messages from startup and runtime that would normally go to the console. 内核启动后,用户空间启动过程通常会产生信息。