Hello Tim, I tried setting up pCloud on Ubuntu 16.04 with the walkthrough a few days ago, but something’s wrong and I don’t understand what it’s trying to tell me. Just to be clear, it has not been able to launch pCloud once since I set it up like this. I just didn’t f...
想配置额外的启动程序/脚本,你可以点击右边侧边栏中的"Add Program"(添加程序)按钮或"Add Script"(添加脚本)按钮。 MATE桌面环境 在MATE桌面上,依次进入到"Applications"(应用程序)-> "Preferences(首选项)-> "Startup Applications"(启动应用程序)。 你会看到"Startup Applications Preferences"(启动应用程序首选项...
使用VMWare虚拟机的一个劣势就是每次关机后,虚拟机就关机了,docker的运行就停止了,所以每次都要开机后再运行dockerrun来启动,因此为了方便,写一个小的批处理脚本,调用vmrun命令启动虚拟机后再通过runProgramInGuest调用docker run直接启动linux-command即可,前提需要一个免密运行sudo权限的用户,然后将批处理脚本做成开机...
In the same way, we can create multiple services to run on start-up for different purposes. 5. Conclusion In this tutorial, we saw how we can run Linux commands and scripts on start-up. We covered three different methods that we can use in different environments....
Upon startup, the Linux kernel initializes in this general order: 在启动时,Linux内核按照以下一般顺序进行初始化: CPU inspection Memory inspection Device bus discovery Device discovery Auxiliary kernel subsystem setup (networking, and so on) Root filesystem mount User space start CPU检查 内存检查 设备...
Running Programs at Startup with systemd Sometimes the software you install on your computer hooks itself into the Linux startup process, so that the program is automatically launched each time the computer is started. You can easily achieve this same behavior with your own programs and scripts,...
Linux 0.12 startup汇编代码的编译 在学习Linux内核的原理,看到了startup的代码。安装了相应的GNU汇编器之后,尝试了一下代码的编译。 我使用的Win10安装了一个内置的Ubuntu子系统,在此系统下编译结果如下: grey@DESKTOP-3T80NPQ:/mnt/e/01_workspace/15_linux/01_kernal/03_my_test_code/04_as_demo$ls...
Upon startup, the Linux kernel initializes in this general order: 在启动时,Linux内核按照以下一般顺序进行初始化: CPU inspection Memory inspection Device bus discovery Device discovery Auxiliary kernel subsystem setup (networking, and so on) Root filesystem mount User space start CPU检查 内存检查 设...