每次重启后,机器上的mint总是会默认选择 HDMI那个输出,所以为了不让他选择HMDI输出,要在hardware中把HDMI设置为off才行。这样设置后上面那张图中就没有HDMI选择了, 只剩下Build-in Analog Stereo。 给Firefox添加Google作为搜索引擎 由于Amongst commercial search engines, only the ones which share with Linux Min...
X80HD G2N5..连续折腾了几天,今天终于安装成功了,可以直接开机进系统不需要手动输入命令。无线,声音,触摸,蓝牙均正常,自动旋转时竖着画面是倒过来的,横着正常。明天更新安装过程。
Ubuntu 14.04中修复默认启用HDMI后没有声音的问题 需要提一下的是,这对所有的Linux发行版都有效,如Linux Mint,Elementary OS,Fedora,Arch Linux等等都可以。...对于其它情况,你可以阅读关于在Ubuntu和Linux Mint中修复失声问题这篇文章。 您可以尽情发表评论来告诉我这个方法是否有疗效,或者您有更好的方法来处理该问...
I've confirmed that the HDMI port works when booted into Win 10, but not Linux Original post: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=339063Inixi output:System: Kernel: 5.8.0-33-generic x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: N/A Desktop: Cinnamon 4.6.7 Distro: Linux Mint 20 Ulyana ...
本吧热帖: 1-加速mint 19.3到20升级的速度 2-【提醒】有关在吧内发布精简过的发行版 3-linuxmint22中文纯净定制版2024.12.26发布 4-软件商店一直卡这,大神帮忙看看 5-开始菜单的搜索不能输入中文,是什么bug吗? 6-双显示屏,一个正常,一个时好时坏,怎么办 7-分享系统主
After setting up a new computer with Ubuntu 18.04, I noticed there's no sound coming out (from speakers, headphones or HDMI). Looking in the Sound settings (from Gnome Settings), I noticed there's only a Dummy Output as a sound output device.
All improvements, including the mintMenu support for Xfce will make their way into LMDE. Reply GeneC June 29, 2012 at 2:57 pm Very Nice. Thanks 8^) Reply Lee June 29, 2012 at 3:23 pm Has this been tested on the MintBox? Does everything work including HDMI with sound? Is ...
No sound at all. Everything was working very well in linux 20.3 with the Blueberry manager. Reply João Silva e Souza December 22, 2022 at 2:31 pm Another Holiday season, another smooth upgrade. Thank you, Mint team! Reply meyer jean-claude December 22, 2022 at 2:49 pm To use ...
Trying to run Resolve 16.0b2 on Linux Mint 19.1, it crashes after the splash screen and displays the "Resolve quit unexpectedly" window. Resolve 15 crashed the same way before. Note that it does run under Windows 10 on the same computer.Apparently the line: "Let There Be CUDA Light, Done...
Upstream bug report for choppy sound over HDMI: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1025453Grub2 theme in HiDPIIf the grub2 theme looks too small in your HiDPI monitor, install the "grub2-theme-mint-2k" package.Snap StoreThe Snap Store is disabled. For more information ...