一、先下载linuxmint 21 cinnamon的安装光盘镜像,当然也可以下载mate版或者xfce版,三个版本cinnamon速度最慢,mate速度中间水平,xfce速度最快。下载好后用rufus这个软件把光盘镜像写入一个合适的U盘中。二、下载aniX的系统安装镜像,里面有bootia32.efi文件可以复制到linuxmint的安装U盘下/efi/boot/目录内,这样才可以...
Ubuntu 14.04中修复默认启用HDMI后没有声音的问题 需要提一下的是,这对所有的Linux发行版都有效,如Linux Mint,Elementary OS,Fedora,Arch Linux等等都可以。...对于其它情况,你可以阅读关于在Ubuntu和Linux Mint中修复失声问题这篇文章。 您可以尽情发表评论来告诉我这个方法是否有疗效,或者您有更好的方法来处理该问...
I'm unable to get HDMI output dualbooting with Linux Mint on my Dell Inspiron 5402 laptop (2020) I've confirmed that the HDMI port works when booted
本吧热帖: 1-加速mint 19.3到20升级的速度 2-【提醒】有关在吧内发布精简过的发行版 3-linuxmint22中文纯净定制版2024.12.26发布 4-软件商店一直卡这,大神帮忙看看 5-开始菜单的搜索不能输入中文,是什么bug吗? 6-双显示屏,一个正常,一个时好时坏,怎么办 7-分享系统主
- Media Center 20 for Linux is developed on Debian Wheezy 32-bit and Debian Jessie 64-bit - support for distros other than Wheezy 32-bit and Jessie 64-bit, like Ubuntu and Mint is considered experimental and not officially supported!- This tutorial will focus on the operating systems above...
I recently bought the computer mentioned in the subject. I installed Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE5) and everything works fine... except the external screen on the HDMI interface. I spent a long time on the Mint forum trying to understand. I eventually started testing a number of Linux ...
I disable Mint bluetooth and connect a bluetooth transmitter on the audio port of my laptop this works. Reply SilenceIsG0lden December 22, 2022 at 7:08 pm Thank you for the Xmas present! One question, please: if I update from 21 to 21.1 via the update manager – will this add the...
Trying to run Resolve 16.0b2 on Linux Mint 19.1, it crashes after the splash screen and displays the "Resolve quit unexpectedly" window. Resolve 15 crashed the same way before. Note that it does run under Windows 10 on the same computer.Apparently the line: "Let There Be CUDA Light, Done...
Hello, I've just followed these instructions to install OBS (v26.1.1) on Mint (v20.1 - Cinnamon). After opening, my UI looks like it's glitched (see screenshot below). I'm not able to access the main menu or click on any buttons for the scene transitions / controls (nor anything...
I only had to use this fix in Ubuntu, but I assume it works in other Linux distributions too. At least, it should also solve similar issues in Linux Mint, elementary OS and probably Debian as well (but it should apply to many other Linux distributions though I can't test that). ...