执行以下命令替换成中科大源。 sudo sed -i"s/packages.linuxmint.com/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn\/linuxmint/g;s/archive.ubuntu.com/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g;s/security.ubuntu.com/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g"/etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-repositories.list 2. 屏幕缩放 整数倍缩放可以直接使用,而非...
How to Enlarge the Mouse Cursor on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome OS Windows 10 Do you prefer a larger mouse cursor that's easier to see? No matter which operating system you use, here's how to enlarge your cursor. ByBen Stegner ...
The central “Controls” option allows you to configure the appearance of system controls such as buttons, checkboxes, and radio buttons. There are many color variants for you to choose between. The penultimate option, “Mouse Pointer,” allows you to configure the mouse cursor’s appearance. Yo...
* Don't feature an installed package, change the cursor for the featured app to hint that it's clickable, remove an unused glade object, fix screenshot window cursor determination. * mintinstall.glade: Use attributes instead of pango markup. [ Clement Lefebvre ] * Fix typo * Size: Don't...
In the live session, the username is "mint" and the password is empty (i.e. just press Enter if asked for a password). Moving windows which don't fit in the screen If your screen resolution is too low, some windows might not fit in the screen. ...
feature was designed to add comfort to the user experience, not remove any, so making sure it was a nice addition and not an annoying distraction was key. The way this is handled in other operating systems such as Windows or Mac for instance was an example Linux Mint did not want to ...
Since there is no office OneDrive client in Linux, I've searched online and found \"rclone\" but not sure how secure it ...","replies":{"__typename":"MessageConnection","edges":[{"__typename":"MessageEdge","cursor":"MjQuMTB8Mi4xfG98MTB8MTA3OjAsMTMyOjF8MQ","node":{"__ref":"...
如果我有这个SConstruct文件: env = Environment() mylib = env.SharedLibrary(target='mylib', source='mylib.c') print mylib[0].name 它将在Linux上打印libmylib.so,在Windows上打印mylib.dll。从SharedLibrary返回的值中是否有返回我传入的原始目标名称的属性?
Linux Mint is arguably one of the easiest and most user-friendly Linux-based operating systems to come by in the Linux world; and while it might be second to Ubuntu in popularity.
x - delete a character (at cursor position) dw - delete a word (from cursor position) dd - delete a line (from cursor position) D - Delete from the current position to end of line (Delete remaining text on line) Replacing/Changing text: r - replace the current character cw - change...