int doupdate() wnoutrefresh(win)将会仅仅复制到窗体win,这意味着在终端上将不进行不论什么输出,可是虚拟屏幕实际上看起来象程序猿所希望的那样。doupdate()将输 出到终端上。程序能够改变很多窗体,对每一个窗体都调用一次 wnoutrefresh(win),然后再调用一次doupdate()来更新物理屏幕。 int redrawln(win) int w...
int mvwinsnstr(win,y,x,str,n) 这些函数将在当前光标的左边插入str(字符的个数不能超过一行的限度)。 在光标右边的字符将右移,假设到达行尾,则字符将丢失,光标位置不变。 y和x是指在插入str曾经先要把光标移动到的坐标,n是要插入的字符的数目 (假设n为0则插入整个字符串)。 --- int delch() int ...
C:\Windows\Cursors 这个目录里是鼠标方案。 C:\Windows\Help 在第一次运行Windows 时,系统总会提示运行“漫游Windows XP”,中文版使用的是一个HTML格式的文件,只有文件,没有声音。其实在系统中还安装英文版的漫游功能,虽然是英文,但有语言,有音乐,还有漂亮的动画。它就是“Tours/mmtour”目录中的“tour.exe”。
Lite Theme Manager takes the guess work out of adding themes to your desktop, icons and mouse cursors with an easy point-and-click solution.If you're coming from Windows, you'll find this to be a solid, stable release that will help make your transition to a linux based operating system...
Best Cursors Once both themes and icons are set, you can install a nice cursor pack, to enhance the overall look and feel of the desktop. 1. Material Material light You candownload it from here. Or, if you are keen to know more about the development,visit their GitHub page. ...
Linux到Windows迁移oracle(转) 升级10.2.0.3(linux WA)到10.2.0.4(windows 2008 WB).txt 0.机器表示 linux机器wa: oracle版本 windows 2008机器wb: oracle 1.拷贝文件,把dg设置为read only,这样数据文件保持一直. mount.cifs //$ /mnt/229 -o user=administrator,ip=...
Miniature Cursors, a ported theme from a similarly named Windows cursor, offers a unique cursor experience characterized by its small size. As the name suggests, these cursors are designed to be compact and may be well-suited for a variety of use cases. The theme features a crisp white colou...
Windows 工具 >> 控制面板 >> 电源选项 >> 选择电源按钮的功能 >> 更改当前不可用的设置 >> 关闭快速启动 >> 保存修改 关闭Secure Boot 进入UEFI/BIOS 设置 ThinkPad 的操作如下:启动 ThinkPad 时按Enter打断正常开机,然后按下Fn+Esc解锁Fn按钮,再按Fn+F1进入 UEFI/BIOS 设置 ...
macOS cursors for Windows QuickLookfor Windows by QL-Win It allows users to peek into a file content in lightning speed by just pressing the Space key fusumaby iberianpig Multitouch gestures with libinput driver on Linux Facetime HD Camera for Linuxby patjak ...
XCreateGlyphCursor (3) - create cursors XCreateIC (3) - create, destroy, and obtain the input method of an input context XCreateImage (3) - image utilities XCreateOC (3) - create output contexts XCreatePixmap (3) - create or destroy pixmaps XCreatePixmapCursor (3) - create cursorsLi...