如果上述步驟無法修正此問題,請在 .wslconfig 位於 的 %UserProfile% 中包含下列組態設定,然後重新啟動 WSL。 如需設定的詳細數據,請參閱 WSL 設定。 在Windows 11 複製 # Settings apply across all Linux distros running on WSL 2 [wsl2] dnsTunneling=true networkingMode=mirrored 在Windows 10 Bash 複...
关闭所有正在运行的 Linux 发行版 有时,你可能想一次性停止正在运行的 WSL 实例。 在Powershell 或 Windows 终端中,使用以下命令: wsl --shutdown 这将关闭所有会话。 此外,你还可以在任何正在运行的 WSL Linux 发行版终端中执行相同的功能。在发行版中时,你只需要使用 wsl.exe 而不是 wsl。
WSL v1 不能运行所有的 Linux 软件,比如 32 位二进制文件,而且您可能会遇到不能在 WSL 上运行的软件,因为这些软件需要特定的 Linux 内核服务,而 Microsoft 尚未实现这些服务。以下是在 WSL 上运行和不运行的社区支持程序列表的链接:https://github.com/ethanhs/WSL-Programs。WSL2 通过在使用 Hyper-V 的轻量级...
Hey, would like to see NixOS provided as a distribution for WSL. It is already working fine by using https://github.com/nix-community/NixOS-WSL If it's possible to publish it on Microsoft Store, I'm willing to help out. Downstream issue:...
By using the new arguments, you can quickly list available distros in WSL Linux. Advertisеment The ability to run Linux natively in Windows 10 is provided by the WSL feature. WSL stands for Windows Subsystem for Linux, which initially, was limited to Ubuntu only. Modern versions of WSL ...
Fedora Remix for WSL 安装发布包 以管理员身份运行 PowerShell。Add-AppxPackage .\ubuntu-2204.appx ...
For more information about Kali Linux, please visit theKali Linux website. Getting Started As with other Linux distros, you can now download Kali Linux from the Windows Store. If this is your first time using WSL, be sure to enable the optional Windows feature before getting the Kali Linux...
新建文件 .wslconfig ,如果存在就覆盖,重新配置一个,然后记事本编辑: # Settings apply across all Linux distros running on WSL 2[wsl2]memory=4GBswap=2GBlocalhostforwarding=true 参数解释: •memory:分配给WSL的内存,根据自己的内存去分配哦,我的内存是16G的,我分配了4G ...
Before installing any Linux distros for WSL, you must ensure that the 'Windows Subsystem for Linux' optional feature is enabled: Open PowerShell as Administrator and run: PowerShell Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature-Online-FeatureNameMicrosoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux ...
That's because Linux is well on its way to becoming a first-class citizen on the Windows desktop. Multiple Linux distros, starting withUbuntu,Red Hat Fedora, andSUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED), now run smoothly on WSL2. That's because Microsoft has replaced its WSL1 translation layer,...