如果上述步驟無法修正此問題,請在 .wslconfig 位於 的 %UserProfile% 中包含下列組態設定,然後重新啟動 WSL。 如需設定的詳細數據,請參閱 WSL 設定。 在Windows 11 複製 # Settings apply across all Linux distros running on WSL 2 [wsl2] dnsTunneling=true networkingMode=mirrored 在Windows 10 Bash 複...
你当然可以在 WSL 中运行的 Linux 系统中 执行shutdown 命令: sudo shutdown now 你还可以使用 wsl 命令关闭 Linux 系统。如果你有多个发行版在 WSL 中运行,这是一种极好的方法。 在WSL 中使用 Windows 终端关闭 Linux 系统 在这个方法中,我假设通常的 shutdown 命令在 WSL Linux 系统中不起作用。
适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统 (WSL) 2,它取代了 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint支持的早期版本的 WSL (,没有插件) ,它提供了一个与 Windows 无缝集成,但使用虚拟化技术隔离的 Linux 环境。 Defender for Endpoint for WSL 插件使 Defender for Endpoint 能够通过插入隔离子系统来提供对所有正在运行的 WSL ...
We've added a functionality to register currently or previously used WSL distros using their .vhdx file. Going further down the rabbit hole, we've turned it into more advanced feature - easyWSL can now make snapshots, which can easily be used as a backups/restore points for your distros....
The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) can now run systemd inside of your WSL distros, empowering you to do more with your Linux workflows on your Windows machine. This post will cover: For a summary, check out the video below: What is systemd? What can you do with it? From systemd.io...
This announcement finally delivers on our commitment that, one day, we’d be able to run more than one distro on WSL … alongside your favorite Windows tools. That day is today! As we’ve always said … WSL was built to be distro-agnostic; this is the proof!
WSL Distro Launcher Reference Implementation [!NOTE] There is a newer method for creating WSL distros please seethis doc page. Introduction This is the C++ reference implementation for a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) distribution installer/launcher application. Every distro package must include a...
You can use the output above to obtain the disk path for this VHD and mount that into WSL following the instructions in the previous section. You can also use this technique to mount and interact with the virtual hard disks of other WSL distros, as each WSL 2 distro is stored via a vi...
wsl --install (Optional) Installing Alterative Distributions You have the option to download other Linux distributions (distros) from the online store. To view a list of those distros use the following command: wsl --list --online To install a distribution from the store, use the following com...
WSL 2 is the new, recommended version of the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). It provides better Linux file system performance, GUI support, and full system call compatibility. Visual Studio's WSL 2 toolset allows you to use Visual Studio to build and debug C++ code on WSL 2 distros wi...