I don’t know what exactly you want in a lightweight Linux distro, however, if you want to run some common server application such as web server, Database, MongoDB, File Server, OwnCloud, Game server, and more then try out the TurnKey Linux solution pre-built Linux Images for Virtual ...
If you want something pre-built, focus on setting up the right combination of home server apps rather than a whole operating system. If your favorite apps are only in the Windows Store, that is your ticket. If they are all in Linux distro repos, that is the OS to install your apps up...
Download Lubuntu 22.04 LTS | Best Lightweight Linux Distro As we all know that Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is now officially available for the public. There are several distros that are based on Ubuntu and their release cycle depends upon the release cycle of Ubuntu. Out of many distros based on Ubuntu...
WSL 2 uses its own kernel. This should increase compatibility and performance. The new version allows you to run ELF64 Linux binaries on Windows. Individual Linux distros can be run either as a WSL 1 or WSL 2 distro. They can also be upgraded or downgraded...
Best By Nicholas Fearn Contributions from Owain Williams last updated February 12, 2025 Publish and manage your content with ease with our list of the best CMS platforms When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. ...
Both your own WSL 2 distro and docker-desktop run on the same utility VM. They share the same Kernel, VFS cache etc. They just run in separate namespaces so that they have the illusion of running totally independently. Docker Desktop leverages that to handle bind mounts from a WSL 2 distr...
Xamarin to help mobile app development, and GitHub a hugely popular code repository for open source developers. And they have partnered with Canonical, the developers of the popular Ubuntu distro. But many developers remain hugely sceptical about Microsoft and their apparent shift to embrace open ...
Xamarin to help mobile app development, and GitHub a hugely popular code repository for open source developers. And they have partnered with Canonical, the developers of the popular Ubuntu distro. But many developers remain hugely sceptical about Microsoft and their apparent shift to embrace open ...
It started with the simple Bash shell, but over the years, Microsoft’s built up its Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) into a surprisingly robust feature for developers. The latest iteration, dubbed WSL2, nowruns Linux on its own kernelin what’s essentially a virtual machine, improving perf...
It started with the simple Bash shell, but over the years, Microsoft’s built up its Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) into a surprisingly robust feature for developers. The latest iteration, dubbed WSL2, nowruns Linux on its own kernelin what’s essentially a virtual machine, improving perf...