via: 作者:Prakash Subramanian选题:lujun9972译者:geekpi校对:wxy 本文由LCTT原创编译,Linux中国荣誉推出
输出中的dev.cpu.0.freq字段即为CPU的主频。 5. cpufreq-info命令:该命令用于查看CPU的频率和调节策略。执行以下命令即可查看主频: “` cpufreq-info | grep “current CPU frequency” “` 输出中的current CPU frequency字段即为CPU的主频。 通过以上命令,可以方便地在Linux系统中查看CPU的主频信息。
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor 查看所有cpu cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor 查看所有CPU频率: cpupower -c all frequency-info 设置CPU模式: cpupower frequency-set -g performance #设置成性能模式 cpupower frequency-set -gpowersave#设置成省电模式...
via: 作者:Prakash Subramanian [8] 选题:lujun9972译者:geekpi校对:wxy 本文由LCTT原创编译,Linux中国荣誉推出 发表于:2019-01-232019-01-23 11:42:11 原文链接:
For users looking to optimize CPU frequency management in Red Hat, there are several best practices to keep in mind. First, it's important to monitor system performance and power consumption to identify potential bottlenecks or inefficiencies. By analyzing performance metrics, users can determine the...
Usage: cpupower [-d|--debug] [-c|--cpu cpulist ] [<args>] Supported commands are: frequency-info frequency-set idle-info idle-set set info monitor help 比如: [root@localhost ~]# cpupower -c all frequency-info analyzing CPU 0: driver: acpi...
current CPU frequency: 400 MHz (asserted by call to kernel) boost state support: Supported: yes Active: yes “` 在上面的输出中,`current CPU frequency`显示的是当前CPU的频率。 3. cat /proc/cpuinfo命令:执行命令`cat /proc/cpuinfo`可以查看详细的CPU信息,包括频率等。在输出中,`cpu MHz`字段显示...
watch -n1sudo cpupowermonitor查看cpu频率 watch -n0"cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i mhz"查看cpu频率模式 cpupower frequency-info 查看当前所有CPU的信息 sudo cpupower -c all frequency-info 查看intel睿频的使能情况 cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo ...
perf 是Linux的一款性能分析工具,能够进行函数级和指令级的热点查找,可以用来分析程序中热点函数的CPU占用率,从而定位性能瓶颈。 Performance analysis tools for Linux. 系统性能优化通常可以分为两个阶段:性能分析和性能优化。 性能分析的目的是查找性能瓶颈、热点代码,分析引发性能问题的原因,包括评估程序对硬件资源的使...
cpupower monitor -l可以列出所有可以监控的模块,如: image cpupower frequency-info可以检查处理器主频: #cpupower frequency-info analyzing CPU 0: driver: intel_pstate* CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 0* CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 0* ...