model name:CPU属于的名字及其编号、标称主频 stepping :CPU属于制作更新版本 cpu MHz :CPU的实际使用主频 cache size :CPU二级缓存大小 physical id :单个CPU的标号 siblings :单个CPU逻辑物理核数 core id :当前物理核在其所处CPU中的编号,这个编号不一定连续 cpu cores :该逻辑核所处CPU的物理核数 apicid :...
Sugov选定target frequency之后,需要通过cpufreq core(cpufreq framework)、cpufreq driver,cpu调频硬件完成频率的调整。cpufreq core是一个硬件无关的调频框架,集中管理了cpufreq governor、cpufreq driver、cpufreq device对象,同时提供了简单方便使用的接口API。 1 数据结构 1.1 struct cpufreq_diver数据结构 struct c...
-c, --cpu: 只显示逻辑CPU的信息,包括CPU编号、核心编号、线程编号等。 -x, --hex: 在显示CPU特性和标志时,以十六进制格式显示。 -y, --extended=KEY: 显示扩展的CPU信息。KEY可以是以下之一:cache,cpu,flags,topology。 -e, --online: 只显示在线的CPU的信息,即正在运行的CPU。 -V, --version: 显示...
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor 查看所有CPU频率: cpupower -c all frequency-info 设置CPU模式: cpupower frequency-set -g performance #设置成性能模式 cpupower frequency-set -g powersave #设置成省电模式 背景 在...
In the world of operating systems, Linux has always been known for its high level of customization and flexibility. One of the key elements that users can customize in Linux is the CPU frequency, which can have a significant impact on performance and power consumption. ...
查看所有CPU频率: cpupower -c all frequency-info 设置CPU模式: cpupower frequency-set -g performance #设置成性能模式 cpupower frequency-set -gpowersave#设置成省电模式 背景 在测试IB网络中,遇到如下问题: 1.在一个节点上启动ib_write_bw [root@storage2 ~]# ib_write_bw ...
1cpufreq的背景 随着技术的发展,当前soc中的cpu主频一般都超过了1Ghz,而cpu的主频越高,其消耗的功耗也越大,这主要体现在以下两个方面: (1)cpu的运行频率越高,则晶体管在单位时间内的开关次数就越多,与其相关的动态功耗也越高。 (2)为了保证数字电路的逻辑正确,cpu运行频率越高,则其所需的供电电压也越高 ... Alternatively, you can view the cpu frequency with the mhz cmd. However, it won't show the individual core frequencies. Regards, Clay 0 Kudos Reply Post Reply About NXP Careers Investors Media Contact My NXP Account Benefit...
Location:->Power management and ACPI options->CPU Frequency scaling Defined at drivers/cpufreq/Kconfig:4Selects:SRCU[=y]Selected by[n]:-SCHED_MC_PRIO[=n]&&SCHED_MC[=y]&&CPU_SUP_INTEL[=y] 可以看到,select by下面的那些配置,这个就是被依赖的配置项,将SCHED_MC_PRIO 禁用即可。
{ "query": "SELECT PercentProcessorTime, PercentIdleTime FROM SCX_ProcessorStatisticalInformation WHERE Name='_TOTAL'", "table": "LinuxCpu", "frequency": 60, "sinks": "LinuxCpuJsonBlob,LinuxCpuEventHub" } ], "fileLogs": [ { "file": "/var/log/myladtestlog", "table": "MyLadTestLog...